10. Truth

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The two hours felt like forever. I was still lucid and could hear everything around me. I could hear Marcus questioning Didyme, which she refused to answer for the time being, and her asking who I was, he then grabbed my hand and said that I was the one who got to explain everything. I couldn't push my shield out from my body for the duration of the two hours.

I knew that Petter told the others to wait for us in the throne room and that they would stay put until I got there. I could finally move and use my powers freely again. As I sat up, Marcus kissed my hand.

Bella, are you alright? How were you able to do that?!

I defeated Maria and her army. My shield absorbs powers, and no I can't turn them off and on. Its like a copy machine. Anyway, I stole all the gifts I could. That just so happened to be one of them, but it drains the user. Its an energy transfer of sorts.

I see. This is my Didyme. I'm very happy that you get to meet her. I can't thank you enough, mi principessa.

Principessa? We have a princess now? What relation do you have to the Voluri child? How old are you, anyways?

Slow down, I'll answer everything. I know how you died and can tell you that there will be justice for it.

You know how she died? What the hell principessa? Let me guess, Peter's gift?

I have Peter's gift, yes. I'm 17 years old. My name is Isabella, you can call me Bella. I have alternate sides to myself though. Their names are Iz or the General, and my demon goes by Dite. Caius is like a father to me, while Aro is an uncle and Marcus as a grandfather. You being his wife are like my grandmother. And before you ask, yes I have Marcus's gift too.

Well... I seem to have missed quite a bit. What year is it?


Oh.... well then.

Don't worry mi amor. Everyone will be ecstatic that you live again. They all missed you.

Aro especially missed his sister. Don't worry I'm going to be the new head of the upper guard. My entire coven will be merging with the Voluri. I will explain more later. Right now, my mate and rest of my coven and yours are waiting for us in the throne room. Didyme, I think its time that the truth about your death sees the light of day.

I helped Didyme pick out a wonderful dress, and fix her hair and makeup. She wanted to impress everyone who missed her. When I was finished she donned a beautiful plum colored modern dress, that I had telepathically asked Jane for. I scoured the hundreds of shoes Didyme owned, finding a pair of black steampunk boots that matched. She picked the jewelry, which consisted an of dimond drop necklace and earring set and her Vulturi crest necklace. I did her hair in a messy side braid, with a dark smoky eye look. After putting on her robe, she was ready to see everyone.

I entered the throne room first making my way to my mate, who was next to Caius. Then I addressed the crowd.

There is good news. But first I want to apologize for my delay in joining you. Marcus has someone with him that we both want to 'reintroduce' so to speak. There was much controversy about what happened to her, but all will be said in time. Bring her in papa.

I turned back to the door that I came through. Just as Marcus and Didyme entered. She had her hood up and head down, covering her face. They stopped before the thrones and faced the two remaining kings, my mate, and myself. As she tilted her head up to its normal angle, she removed her hood. There were gasps from the kings, then Aro threw himself into her arms. He missed his sister more than he admitted to everyone, himself included.

After the round of greetings and introductions, Marcus took his throne and the other 2 wives were fetched. Sulpicia and Anthradora were ecstatic to see her again. But I had to get the show on the road if we wanted to be trained and ready. I pulled out the Book of Prophecies and explained about my family. I explained everything about the Cullens.

The reactions were immediate. Ranginging from fury to disgust. After they heard about the Cullens as a whole, I called Didyme to the front to stand by me. Alice's deceit to the Volturi was being dicscovered.

Didyme didnt die the way you thought she did.

How, pray tell, do you know this dear?

I hold Peter's gift as well as Alice's. There is, however, one more way that I know this. I have a gift to see into the past. It works similarly to the way Alice's worked. A vision of the past.

She used another gift to bring me back. But thats a story for another time. Right now, you need to hear my story. Alice cullen wasn't always known as Alice. She is older than you think, and has changed her appearance quite a bit. She went from a long blond haired, red eyed vampire to short black haired, gold eyed vampire. No one has noticed she was the same person. Alice Cullen's original name was Lorenza Valentina. She worked for the Romainians until she mysteriously dissapeared before their downfall.

Wait... Lorenza... wasn't she Vladimir's personal guard?

No wonder she had so many old scroll like books...

Wow.... Alice isn't actually Alice...

Can I be the one to kill the bitch?

No, it will be Didyme who gets the honor. The General will give her the opportunity and she will take it.

Of corse it will be Didyme. It is only fair to give the bitch a taste of her own medicine.

Im honoured my dear. I need to train again, I feel that I'm a bit rusty.

Thank you Bella. I know I sound a bit repetitive but I will always be in debt to you for this. I can't stress this enough Bella.

Word count: 1070

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