5. Morning

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Jasper POV:

(bet you didn't see that one coming lol)

      My Bell was already asleep, sprawled over most of the bed. I could hear the others talking downstairs in the living room. Looking at the clock, I realized we had been here for 4 hours as we had got here at about 1 am. Angela went to bed about 3 hours ago, leaving the others to themselves after being told where her room was.

       Her room was across the hall from ours, and when I heard her open the door I could feel the awe and happiness flood through her. I take it she likes what Char put together for her, just like my Bell did. I had yet to talk to my venom brother and sister as I was going to wait for Bella to wake up.

       I wanted to introduce her properly. When she was fully awake, instead of slightly coherent. I knew they would get along great, better than they did with Alice, but I was still nervous. Peter and Char were like family, the only true family that I had since the beginning of living life as a vampire. That family grew when I met Emmett and Rosalie, they became another brother and sister. Then when I met Bella, it grew again.

      I had always been drawn to Bella, but I ignored the pull because the conniving pixie and pussy boy told me that I would hurt her and that she was Eddie's mate. I called bullshit, but I couldn't get close enough to warn her. Eddie would hear it in my mind or Alice would see it in my future, then they would guilt trip me into staying away from her. I never put together these facts, and I'm supposed to be the Major of the southern newborn armies. I should have made a move before, but I can't change it now. All I could do is make up for it by loving her more than anyone else can... after all, I am her mate.

      The sun started to peek through the french doors, brightening the room. I glanced back at the clock, 7 am. I had put all of Bella's things in the closet soon after she fell asleep, so I went to pick out her outfit for today. I knew she wanted something sexy, as she had been wearing that kind of stuff a lot the last couple weeks. I'm not even going to lie about damn near taking her when she showed up in any of those little outfits. She knew what she was doing, and it worked.

    I chose a pair of black booty shorts and a forest green crop top that said "Daddy's little girl" in black lettering. Next I looked through her shoes, finding a pair of black Jimmy Choo mesh booties. I would leave choosing the jewelry to her. I placed them on the foot of the bed and woke her up with light kisses to her face. When she opened her beautiful eyes, a smile made it's way to her lips. I told her to wake up a bit while I got a bath ready and put her clothes in the bathroom for her. she smiled wider and I left to the adjoined bathroom.

      I felt Angela wake up through her emotions, the confusion was typical. The awe and appreciation that came after confirmed she loved the room. Not too long after I heard the shower in her room start and I tuned out of what she was doing. Peter and Charlotte were in the living room with Em and Rose. I could hear them talking about the events leading up to now.

     The water was hot, so I went to get Bella. She was nowhere to be seen; but the french doors were open and the curtains pulled back, allowing the sunlight to stream undisturbed into the room. Walking through them, I saw my Bell standing by the railing, looking out over the majority of the property. There was a large pool with a miniture replica of the spring that made this town famous and small water fall fetures. There was a fire pit closer to the patio with several comfortable looking wicker chairs. The trees that suurounded the house went for miles in every direction, making a small forest for us to use as we pleased.

      Bella was leaning against the railing looking out over the property in awe. I knew she never got to travel to many places, so the veiw was even more spectacular to her than it would be to others.

Bella POV:

     This view was amazing. All the small road trips that I did with my mom and Phil or with my dad had nothing on this place. The pool's water was so clear I could put a photo in the bottom and still be able to see the person in it from my balcony. The fire pit wasn't lit, but it was still cozy and had a warmth surrounding it. The spring gurgled lazily alongside the smaller waterfall fetures, creating a calm atmosphere that fit perfectly with the forest like vegitation encasing the property.

   I could feel Jay's eyes watching me so I turned from the gorgeous view and smiled at my mate. How did I get so lucky to have him? Honestly, I was just a plain human compared to my Jasper. I did nothing special, so I must have fucked up in the right way to deserve him. Whatever I did, I'm just glad I did it.

      He told me the bath was ready, so I left him on the terrace with a small kiss. When I got to the bathroom my heart went to my throat. It looked like it was pulled straight from a magazine. The shower was huge! The tiled floor was the color of sand and the walls matched the morning sky. The sink was extravagent as well as the the grand shower, both of which had brass fixtures.

      After my shower, I was feeling refreshed and relaxed. Noticing the pile of clothes and pair of shoes on the counter, I went to investigate. My favorite crop top and short shorts paired with my Jimmy Choos booties. My Jay does have taste. I quickly changed and did my hair in pigtails, careful to leave a few strands to frame my face. Make up was simple today as well. A green and black smokey eye look, with eyeliner and mascara, paired with a nude lipstick. Quickly choosing my favorite lattice chocker and bangle bracelets, the outfit was complete. Perfect!

     When I walked out of the bathroom Jasper's breath caught in his throat. I looked over and he was stairing wide eyed and open mouthed. His eyes drew me in. They held a hunger that I didn't recognize, but I was quick to place it as he soon snaped out of his statuesque state and slammed his mouth to mine. His lips felt right against mine, fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. Our boddies drew together in a delicious way that left me craving him to my very core. I couldn't stop myself from tangling my hands in his blonde curly locks and moaning into his mouth in satisfaction.

   After a small eternity he pulled away, reluctent in his movements. Resting his forhead on mine, we caught our breath. I staired into his eyes and lost myself, as clichè as that sounds. All the problems, all the stress, just seemed to melt away. A lazy quiet filled the room until my stomach desided to make conversation. Laughing, he took my hand and lead my downstairs to the kitchen to eat with Angie.

Word count: 1290

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