11. Princess

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      There was no doubting that the Volturi loved my coven. Char, Angie, Rose, and myself were announced princesses. Peter, Garrett, Em, and Jay were announced prince. Our identities would stay anonymous until we give the say so.

     I immediately started to retrain the guard. They were good but needed some slight improvements. Some only used their gift to fight while others only could use defensive move and the others offensive. It took only 3 days for the training to stick. That was the longest 3 days of my existence.


Day 2

       I was working with them in batches. Everyone was trained in a day, but I was currently working personally with a smaller group. This group consisted of Alic, Jane, Demetri, Heidi, and the three kings. The kings were working with Jay and were doing well. I was working with Jane and Alic, they were the worst ones. The others worked with Peter and Char at the moment.

      "Pain." Jane glared at Alic and he winched waiting for pain that would never come. I threw my shield over Alic and Jane gave a frustrated grunt.

     "You are not here to just work on your damn gift Jane! You have to do hand to hand as well. You worked on your gift alot over the last several decades and maybe even centuries. It's time to work on other things. Watch the other 2 groups for a few moments to get an idea of the caliber that I expect you are going to have by the end of tomorrow." She glared at me a moment then turned to the others watching.

      I had the same problems with Alic so I had him doing the same as her. It took them 2 hours to even manage to have a decent fight, and another 20 to have moves perfected enough that I wouldn't hound them to push harder.

  End flashback

     I was sitting in the garden, watching a few birds chase each other on the branches of a rather large elm tree, when it happened. The wind had just shifted from the north, blowing now from the east. I felt several people enter my outer shields, which was about 30 miles away. Their auras were familiar. Just as they hit the second shield, Peter burst into the once peaceful garden. The Cullens were coming to Volterra, time for a grand show.  My family and I made our way to the throne room, making it there as the Cullens made it to the fourth shield. 

      I had 6 shields in total. The first shield was 30 miles away, the second was 20 miles. The 3rd was 10 miles off, and the 4th was 5 miles. The 5th shield was all around the grounds of the castle and the 6th was around the throne room. This wasn't even counting the shields I placed on individual people, or my mental shields.

     As the Cullens made it to the 5th shield, we put on our hoods and stood close to the kings. It would appear to them that we were new guards for the kings, which is kind of true in a way. In all actuality the royal family had grown and they were about to see that. They were going to be quite surprised to see us, especially here. I knew that Alice and Edward would try something when they got here, maybe we could get Carlisle and Esme out of their grip when they do. 

     We stood regally beside the three kings, who were quite still even for immortals. They were tense, but the only way you could tell is if you knew them enough. You had to know how they usually held themselves for it to be obvious. I sent out a tidal wave of calm as the tension rose. I had to have Jay send one out as well, more focused on Jane and Alec. They came to see me as another authority figure. I was more parental, I guess. 

     They were now outside of the last shield, in the lobby waiting for the conformation to enter. Gina entered the room and Aro nodded before she even opened her mouth to ask. She swept back out to let them in and I had to push a heavy dose of calm to Jane when they did. Carlisle and Esme entered first, arm in arm. They entered the room with humility, confident but not overly so. Edward and Alice on the other hand didn't. they walked in like they owned the place; like it was a god given right to do as they pleased. This was going to be a rude awakening and so much fun. 

      The group stopped near the bottom of the dais. Alice glanced around then her eyes glazed over, after a few seconds her eyes refocused and she looked utterly confused. Edward, however, was hastily looking around. his face was contorted into confusion and barley shown rage. He hid it really well, only not well enough. Carlisle and Esme both bowed respectful to the kings, and kept their pleasant air about them.

     "Welcome dear Cullens. To what do we owe this visit? Edward where is Bella? We were just discussing when would be the right time to come visit." Edward looked back at Aro with a 'deer-caught-in-headlights' type of way. 

     "We came to see if you have heard from her and a few others from our family. Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmet have also disappeared. We checked all of our houses and have called them multiple times. We don't know what else to do, other than coming to see if you had heard anything." Esme took charge of the conversation.

     "Hm... Do you perhaps think they don't want to be found?" Caius spoke up.

     "No, something else must have happened!" Alice shouted.

      "Can you help or not Aro." Edward kept his face and voice smooth; but if you looked closely, he was shaking with rage.

     "I believe we can. Before we get to that though, why don't we introduce our new family members?" Aro sounded more joyous than I had ever herd him be, and that was a scary thought. Caius and Marcus cheered up slightly. Marcus stood, taking Didyme's hand and stepping forward.

     "I think it befitting to reintroduce someone of great importance to me first." After a nod from the Cullens, she removed her hood and tilted her face up to look directly at Alice.

     "Hello again Lorenza. I would say it's good to see you, but that's reserved for people who didn't try to kill me (and were successful)." Her voice was sharp and quiet, but was easily heard throughout the room. Lorenza, more recently known as Alice, started; her eyes went wide and she looked to Edward and the other Cullens.

     "Why did she call you Lorenza? Alice? Didyme, it's good to see you again dear, but what...?" Carlisle  turned from us to Alice, in a repetitive manner for a moment.

      "All in dear time Carlise, but I advise standing a bit away from her and Edward, do take your mate with you." Didyme responded. After that Carlisle grabbed Esme and drug her to the right side of the dias.

     "Now we will introduce the new Princes and Princesses. Starting from lower to higher. Yes, typically its the other way around, but they requested for it to be this way." Alice looked murderous and Edward looked almost constipated. Emmett and Rose stepped forward as Aro announced the order. As Caius said their names, they lifted their hoods causing Esme and Carlisle to gasp.

     "The only reason we didn't aproched you before leaving Esme, Carlisle, is simply because you would have chosen the duo. Its not because you don't love us, and us you. Its because you were far more manipulated than us." She stepped back to where they had been before as Angie and Garret stepped forward and proceeded similarly.

     "Hello Mr and Mrs Cullen." Angies voice was clear and confident.

     "Angela Webber, when did this happen? I was helpping look for you. You brothers are upset, but not worried. They refuse to say if they've heard from you." Carlisle asked worried. She nodded.

      "Im not very old, but I was in contact with my brothers not long after my change. Which was very willing by the way." She shot Edward a nasty look as Garrett removed his hood, and wound his arm around her waist.

     "Carlisle, Esme." If vampires could faint, Carlisle would be on the floor.

     "Garrett?" Esme asked incredulously.

     "Yes, and I see you already know my mate Angie." Esme smiled.

     "It's about time you found her, Garrett. Long live your happiness." Carlisle recovered quickly.

     Next to step up, as Angie and Garrett stepped back, was Peter and Char. This is when big shit was going to go down. I could feel that he wouldn't hold his toung, but would be pleasantly surprised if he did. When their hoods were down they smiled at Carlisle and Esme, glared at the ditzy duo and stepped back. Like I said, pleasantly surprised. Ciaus stood and walked me and Jay to the front of the dais; he announced us as his daughter and his, hopefully, soon to be son-in-law as he removed our hoods.

Word count: 1549

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