15. Prophecy

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**Narrator's POV**

The prophecy leading Bella to take her place has been coming for almost 3 Millennia. Countless vampires who had heard of it over the many years, tried to make it come to pass but there was some hidden facts about the prophecy. The prophecy was this:

A vamire shall fall for the false mate, but should she learn the truth then the hidden shall be free. The goddess shall asend with her god, and their people shall be freed from the lies and greed of those thought long gone. The dead shall rise and stand by the goddess as she prevails over her enimies. Should her god die, hell shall rain on earth; and no one shall be able to stop it if this comes to pass.

There were 2 hidden facts about the prophecy. The first hidden fact was that the goddess had to be changed by the god. The female prophet who spoke the prophecy saw this, but hid it to keep the goddess safe. The goddess had to be manipulated to be able to save the people she loved and the innocents of the world. If this fact hadn't been hidden, others would have hunted her to no end, leaving millions dead and mangled in their wake.

The second fact was that the entire family, or 'coven', was to 'ascend' with the god and goddess. If the family wasn't founded, then the goddess would fail. She wouldn't have the abilities she had if most of them weren't present. Her god wouldn't have made it to her, as 2 of the coven were with him almost from the start. He would have either been killed for the destruction he caused, or would have killed himself from loneliness.

Thousands of people specualted on who 'those thought long gone' were. Many presumed it was religious as the prophecy spoke of a god and goddess. Others thought it was a hidden organization that went further underground. And yet even more people thought it could be the Fallen. No one wanted to even fathom that 'those thought long gone' could have ever been the Damned.

The Fallen were notoriously vicious. They were the ones who tried and failed to find the goddess. Ones who wanted to be her god, others who wanted to keep her from finding her god, and the ones who wanted to be a part of her coven. They all thought they were justified in what they did to the people around them. The Fallen had grown in numbers over the Millenia, but was more rare in the most recent few thousand years.

The Damned, however, never got new members and wouldn't be getting any new ones after the last member joined. They were once heroes of the vampire world, long since forgotten and cast aside. Some for worse reasons than others, but all fell out of their good nature. They were a thousand times worse than the Fallen. More vicious, cold, calculating, and vengeful than even the most religious Fallen member. Most of the Damned were apart of Prophecies in the past, but fell from their glory for one reason or another. There hadn't been a new Damned member since at least the 3rd century.

The prophecy wouldn't be completed for a long while yet. There were going to be a lot of bumps along the way, but the goddess could not fail with her family by her side.

**Bella POV**

I stood facing the east, the direction in which they were going to enter the battlefield. The wind blew in from the north, ruffling my clothes and hair. I wore tight form fitting black jeans, a lether corsette halter top, and heeled boots. I was the only one to not wear a cloak to cover my outfit because I was the focal point, so I chose to leave my cloak behind to draw their eyes.

Jasper stood to my right, peter to my left. Char was next to peter, Angie next to Jasper, Garrett next to her. Emmet was inbetween peter and Rose. The volturi kings right behind us, and the gaurd behind them. My family and the kings didnt have their hoods up, but the gaurd did.

There was only about 5 minutes left to wait and I could already hear them coming. I could hear the multitude of footsteps behind them. Newborns, great. Fuck this. At least I can make this quick. Another familiar scent hit me, but I couldn'tplace it. It was vanilla, sugar, chocolate, and... apples. Mom?!? How I could have forgotten about the woman I spent most of my childhood with, I will never know.

Finally, they broke the tree line. Edward and Lorenza were at the front, my mom slightly behind and to the left of them. Her once beautiful green eyes were now a burning red. Her hair was darker, lips fuller, jaw more defined. They had to have turned her more recently than the others. Phill was nowhere to be seen, that worried me. He meant so much to her, I hope he's ok. I heard the other's breathing hitch at the sight of my mom, I sent out calm.

The glare I sent the two idiots, made their steps falter. My mother caught sight of me and stole a glance at Edward, then back to me. She pointed between us and mouthed 'what the fuck is going on?'. I sent her the details of the last few weeks via a mind link, then she vaulted herself over them and landed 2 feet in front of me. I held out my arms with a smile and welcomed her to where she belonged. The newborns didn't take to well to having one of 'their own' turning on them. Well most of them anyway, as indicated by their hissing.

There was a small group standing off to the left of their army. Edward and Lorenza had stopped, and with them their army, a good 1/2 a mile from us. The small group was a distance of at least 30 yards. There were 4 men, and 2 women all of various ethnicities and styles. The oldest one was a male in his late 30's, the youngest was a female of about 16.

The oldest was blond with a deep tan and lots of freckles. 2 of the males were twins, indicated through their mocha skin and red hair, and lanky stature. The youngest man looked to be around 18 - 20 years old and had brown hair and a faint scar running through his left eyebrow. The oldest female looked to be in her late 20's with black hair and pale skin. The youngest had dyed green-blue hair, almost matching the ocean at midday, and ebony skin.

They were looking at Edward and Lorenza with fury, hatred and fear. When they would steal glances to me and the others, they showed fear, trepidation, and a bit of awe. When they noticed my anilizing gaze, the male with the faint scar motioned to the others to rush forward and speak to me. I stopped them with a look, and established a mind link as well as throwing up a shield around the entirety of the psychic dou's army.

"What did you wish to say?" The youngest of the group jumped, before looking over me in a more in depth way.

"We never wanted this. Thay didn't even take into consideration that we had families, or lives. They forced us to do this. We don't want to fight, and are a 1,000 times more controled than any of the others. We wish to join you, and hopefully eventually leave to reside in peace." The oldest seemed to be the leader of the group and, judging from how she wrapped herself around him, the woman with raven hair was his mate.

"I would be delighted to allow this. Go ahead and pop over, stand near the gaurd. I have already informed everyone with me about your alliances." With a slight nod, they were over by the upper gaurd in a second flat. The army seemed to get even more restless with this, starting to snap, hiss, and even claw at the shield now blocking thier path.

I had scanned them for any new powers, gaining 3 completely new ones and several updates to ones I already had. I could now start a storm out of nothing, and think of some thing and have it. The 3rd power, however, was the most shocking. Pregnancy... oh how most of the women of my kind wanted for a child. I could give them that now. My first thought was of Rose. How many times did she, and many like her, cry because of being deprived of her/their deepest wish?

I pulled myself back to the present. Edward was talking; some nonsense about how I belonged to him and if he couldn't have me no one could. I guess this was his news flash, because I belonged with my Jasper. Unbeknownst to him or Lorenza, I was slowly drawing my shield around their newborns closer to the center of the group. Once they were nothing but dust, I held my hand up for them to stop.

Word count: 1545

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