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A/N: The long awaited chapter is here. Sorry about the delay.

     The last 2 months have flown by at an astonishing rate. Charlie got to know Caius, but you could see him slowly falling for his vampiric mate. Sue had made friends with Gianna and was often found helping her with her work. The twins and their mates were absolutely inseparable and pulled pranks on everyone, getting to know their new granddad all the while. Paul and the others loved to watch and join us in training, constantly making bets with the other males. Billy was usually talking with Marcus about negotiations for after the battle, Aro and Caius sometimes joining them.

     The battle would take place 3 miles outside of Voltera. I had already looked into the future to make sure we wouldn't be seen by humans, no one would see us as it would be about sunset. Everyone on our side was only there to watch. They thought they were going to get the chance to kick some ass, but my shield was going to be doing the majority of the work. The only one who would actually kill anyone other than me and some of my coven, would be Didyme. I was going to hand Alice over to her. The battle was tomorrow, it was already almost midnight.

     I lay in the arms of my major, as we cuddled. Any closer and we would be one being. All mates were together at this time, the others were either hunting or in the game room. Me and Jasper had been staring at the other for the last 2 hours after we had lapsed into a comfortable silence. We had been talking about which coven members would be ending who tomorrow and he was being very overprotective over me and the others. I wasn't even upset, I love it when he gets like that. It's just another way he showed that he loved all of us. They were his family, that he mostly changed.

     As I stared into Jaspers eyes, I contemplated the way they had changed. He had changed back to the criminal diet when I was changed, so the golden color I had loved, gave way to a burning crimson the first time he hunted. He had waited for my change to switch back, hunting with me for the first time. Right now they looked more like twin burning fires. I noticed the small flecks of amber in his smoldering orbs.

** Start of lemon **

    He leaned in and connected our lips in a passionate kiss that left me breathless. I thanked whatever deity existed that the bedrooms were soundproofed as I couldn't contain the moan that left me. The soundproofing was of such good quality that none of the others outside of the room(s) would hear us. The kings took privacy very seriously, especially when it came to being with their mates; they extended the same courtesy to everyone else as well.

     My hands wound into his hair as his wound around my waist. Pulling me with him, and never breaking the kiss, he rolled onto his back. I now straddled his waist as he sat up and let his hands wonder, making my world explode in an array of colors. I moved one of my hands to run down his broad bare chest. He was sadly still wearing pants, as I was still wearing the black off the shoulder cocktail dress Jane had forced me into less than 5 hours ago.

     When Jasper first saw me in it, he almost took it right back off me. I defiantly wouldn't have complained if he had. My self control was diminishing fast as his hands settled on my thighs, right under my ass where the dress ended. I could tell he was losing the battle with his self control as much as I was, so I let go. He moved his mouth to my neck, leaving a burning trail of open mothed kisses down from my jaw to my slightly exposed clevage at the top of the dress. I leaned down and nibbled his earlobe as another moan built in my throat that I didn't bother to suppress.

     His left hand traveled back up my back as I felt him hardening under me. A second later, I could hear and feel him unzipping the tight fitting dress slowly. Another moan left my mouth as he nibbled a particularly sensitive spot on my collarbone, the sensation was delicious as I moved my hips slightly down to urge him on.

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