4. Texas

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       Angela left 10 minutes ago and Charlie was still at the station, so Jasper and I were alone. The silence was comfortable, but still managed to be slightly awkward or maybe thats just me. I led him up to my room, so I could pack. The silence stretched on for about twenty minutes before he broke it.

         How long did you know?

       Unofficially? Since we got back from Volterra. Officially? About a week.

      Why didn't you say anything before now?

       I didn't because I needed to talk to all three of you at once. That and the fact that the pixie bitch and fuckward were not going to let me anywhere near you.

        So its not like you didn't want to tell me, it's just a matter of being able to get to me safely?

        Exactly. I wanted to get to know you since the first day in the cafeteria. Then dumb fuck swept in and master manipulated my mind. In truth, I was always more into you.

       He nodded and stood up from where he had perched, which just so happened to be my desk chair, and made his way over to me. I had been walking back and forth from my bed to my closet to pack my bag, but he stepped in my path making me look at him. I lost myself in the golden oceans of his eyes, memorizing every detail I could before I was startled  by his hand touching my face. What felt like hours, in reality, was only minutes. We were startled out of our daze by my phone playing 'Praying' by Kesha. Edward's calling me, go figure. Gritting my teath, I tell Jay to hold his toung and answer the phone.

        Hello love. I just wanted to check on you. I miss you already.

       Im fine, just got done eating. Em and rose are upstairs and Jasper is reading in the living room.

        Good, are you having fun? Their not annoying you are they?

      Yes, I'm having fun and no they aren't. I've actually had a complete conversation with Jasper and, in all seriousness, he's quite interesting. I swear I laughed for an hour straight. Anyways I gotta go, I'm gonna beat Em's sorry ass on the Xbox.

       Language Isabella, have fun. Love you.

      You too. Oh, and Edward... Fuck you.

       Before he could say anything else, I ended the call and snapped my phone in half. Jay looked like he was ready to kill. As I threw the pieces into the small trash can by the desk, Jay's phone started playing an older country song that I didn't know and he laughed.

       Hey, cause of that lil stunt Bells, they are gonna be home tomorrow. Your gonna have to leave tonight.

       We are prepared for that Captin. It was the initial plan, anyways.

      Hey, I don' get litterally everythin' Major! I was just tellin' ya' what I was told. Don' shoot the messenger.

       Thank you Peter, we will be there soon.

       See ya' soon, give Char a hug for me.

      Will do.

      With that the phone diconnected, leaving a smooth silence in its wake. I finished packing and he hauled my bags downstairs, despite my protests. We talked in the living room for two hours before Em texed Jay, saying that he couldn't reach my phone and that they were almost to the house. They had already picked up Angie. As soon as they got here we loaded up and hauled ass outta town.

      Hey, Jay?

    Yeah, Darlin'?

      Can I borrow your phone a sec? I have one last call to make.

     Without questioning, he handed me a silver touchscreen. I dialled the familiar number and waited for an answer.


      Billy, its Bella. Can I talk to Jake and Sam please?

    Yeah, here.

    Bells? Whats up? You haven't called since... ya know..  that.

      Sorry Jake, he was controlling everything I did. I tried to come visit and he took apart the engine of my truck. Im fairly sure he's the reason that my tank of a truck died. Anyways I called cause, I'm leaving town. Don't worry Im safe, but I'd be in danger if I stay.

     Do you need anything? Will I get to see you again?! What the fucks going on Bells?!

      Can I talk to Sam? I'll let him explain to everyone. Give them all hugs for me, and kick Paul's ass.

     He lauged at that and the phone was passed to someone else.


     Sam, I know that you have a treaty with them, but don't trust the Cullen's left in town. Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett were the only good ones in the family. Edward and Alice are using everyone, and the 'parent's' of the family are fucking push-overs. I'm  getting out of dodge with the good cullens and a friend. Jasper is my true mate, it's quite like your imprinting.

     He understood and said he would talk with the other's. I warned him to tell the pack to watch what their thinking, said our goodbyes, then handed Jay his phone. He didn't press me on calling the pack. He didn't yell at me about being friends with a shifter. He didn't control the things I did or the way I did them. It made me love him just that much more.

     We still had several hours to go before we reached Texas. Typically the drive from Forks, Washington to Dripping Springs, Texas is about 36 hours, but Em was driving at a much faster speed than the signs suggested. We had been on the road for about an hour and a half now and, with the speed Em was driving, it would be about another 17 to 20 hours. I tried to keep my mind off the rate at which we were propelling forward, by talking to Angie. That only worked for so long, because she fell asleep. By that time we had been on the road for 7 hours, so I decided to snuggle up to Jay and fall asleep.

    Me being me just couldn't keep it simple. Oh no, I had to tease him, seeing as I couldn't before. I guess I wanted to make up for lost time. Me being the cunning little shit that I am, however, didn't just cuddle up to him. No, I slung off my seatbelt, then climbed in his lap and curled up like a cat. I felt him stiffen slightly as I wiggled into a comfortable position and a small smile apeared on my face.

     I woke up to the feeling of Jay shifting beneath me. I cracked open an eye to see what was going on. He had me cradled in his arms as he got out of the truck, trying to not wake me even though I was awake. I groaned and opened my other eye, looking around. The first thing my eyes landed on was the mammoth house standing triumphantly a good 100 yards to the left of us, as the truck was on our right.

    I looked back up to my Jasper, as he had stopped moving. He was looking down at me with a smile. The type of smile that made your knees week and your heart melt at the same time. If I had been standing I would be a puddle on the gravel drive. He chuckled and asked if I wanted to walk. Not trusting my voice, I shook my head and he sat me on my feet. He had to catch me as I stumbled forward, almost landing on the pavement face first. He led me up stairs to a room that was straight from a magazine, and helped me to the bed.

     The walls were a very faint purple and they contrasted with the deep plumb purple curtains that covered the french doors that led to the balcony. The floor was a pale gray driftwood with a white plush rug. In the middle of the left wall was a king sized bed with a white and purle bed set. On the other wall was a desk with bookshelves on either side.

Word count: 1388

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