13. Down Time

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Aro called everyone to the throne room, and demanded that we all take some time for ourselves and mates. We could do as we pleased for two days as long as we took it easy with our mates and family. As soon as Aro was finished with this announcement, a tourist group was led into the room to be fed on. I scanned the group looking for one to catch my eye, and catch my eye they did.

Charlie, Sue, Billy, Jake and the rest of the pack were standing at the back looking around. I called out to Aro under my breath to let me choose them to take on a 'special tour' and he agreed. I 'hand picked' them making it seem random. When Jake and the others saw me they raised an eyebrow, but didn't question me. Charlie and sue didn't recognize me. when we made it through the door, I tried to hurry them along before the screaming could start, but wasn't fast enough. I felt them flinch and Charlie stop. I whipped around before he could take off back in the direction of the throne room.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Charlie Swan." He bristled at the sound of his name. Jake was shaking his head rapidly in his direction and Billy was gazing at me skeptically.

"How do you know my name?" He was obviously frightened, but startled when Emmet and Angie showed up behind me.

"Jay and the others are waiting in your room. Hello Charlie, you probably don't recognize me, but you'll understand everything later. How much you gonna tell 'em boss?" Angie took over before Em could open his mouth and give something away.

"Well that depends on his reaction to who I am. For now, however, lets just focus on getting to my room." With that stated, Angie took up post on my right, and Em brought up the rear. We made it to my room without any more talking or questions. Their thoughts were scattered, from wishing to hug me to wondering who I was. After we entered and they settled down into a seat somewhere, Jasper wound his arms around my abdomen from behind.

"Wait a minute! I recognize a few of you! Aren't y'all Dr. Cullen's kids?" Charlie looked between Rose, Em, and Jay.

"We were a part of his family, yes. but things have kind of fallen apart. What the absolute hell are you doing in Italy, let alone Volterra?" Jay answered.

"Well, some of us knew this is where Bella would be. We didn't exactly plan on the tour from that one chick but it got us to you I suppose." Jake spoke up.

"Well, don't ever follow her tour again. If your looking for me, just come straight to the front lobby and ask for me. Gina knows to send for me through Caius, if I don't answer my new cell. I know I haven't answered any phone calls, but that's cause I snapped my phone. I'll give you guys the number here in a moment." The wolves nodded, and Charlie gasped.

"Bella?" His voice was timid and his face betrayed the shock that rolled off his person.

"Hey Charlie." My smile was small. I didn't know how to feel about him looking for me, let alone finding me. I had spent so much time distanced from him back in Forks that I forgot that he did care. Maybe I should have a talk with him in private before they take off. I won't let them leave the palace until after the fight, so I should have plenty of time. There was a knock on the door and Aro stuck his head in.

"May we join you?" I could see Marcus, Didyme, and Caius behind him in the doorway. With a nod from me they entered, placing a kiss on my forehead and took a seat on a free sofa. "Need any help with the explanations? And what in the name of immortality is that god-awful smell?" Aro continued after they had taken a seat.

"Well... you remember me talking about Sam, Jake and them?" They nodded. "Good. Meet Sam, Jake, Embry, Quill, Paul, Leah, and Seth. This is my Biological father Charlie, Jakes dad Billy, and Leah and Seth's mom Sue. You guys meet, the kings of the Volturi." The kings nodded in understanding as did the wolves. Charlie, Billie, and Sue looked confused.

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