
12 1 6

She pulls at my hair like her problems pull at her.

She hits with the force of other's words towards her.

She screams like they yell at her.

She laughs with the force of their laughter towards her.

She talks with an edge, like the blade she uses.

She poisons like the pills she swallows in the bathroom.

She inflicts pain just like the kind she feels.

She hurts like I do, but times sixty.

She's defensive like I am whenever questioned.

She breaks when she's alone like I do.

Her hands burn like her passion for violence.

She throws words that have been thrown at her.

She mirrors the sneer they give her.

She kisses like an expert painter.

She writes like a dancer.

She sings like a skater.

She loves like the Sun.

She cries stars every night.

Her sadness clouds the sky.

Her loathing dims the light.

Her smothering blankets darken the day.

Her patience limits the brightness.

Her confidence grounds the people.

Her love lifts the sky.

Her determination restarts the day.

ᴳᴼᴸᴰᴱᴺ ˢᵁᴺ 
but she will never love me ...

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