Sad poem challenge

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Hosted by @DEALWITHIT5704

I can't help but wonder;
What do you cry for?
Do you cry for every extinct animal? No, that too hard.
What about when your water glass runs dry?
Do you cry for every dead star in the sky?
Maybe so,
I know you loved those lights;
The ones that shone all night.
They always reflected in your eyes.
Sometimes I wonder;
Why do we cry?
But then I thought:
'Maybe our tears are meant to
erode the bad.
Perhaps they are a special
elixir for the flowers in our
Or maybe it's when our heart can't take any more feeling,
so it hires the eyes to help it express it's true meaning.'
But I never really got a real answer.
Before I could ask you
"Why do we cry?"
the school-year was over,
it was time for goodbyes.
The last I ever saw of you was
a brush of the shoulder --
And then you were gone.
You took my heart with you,
and when you
brushed past my arm
I though about
grabbing your hand
and holding it for a while;
Just to see how warm
it was before you didn't exist anymore.
But I didn't.
And you know why?
Because I didn't want another reason to cry;
Another tally to the chart;
Another reason to start
to relapse.
I didn't want the entire squad of pretty girls who stand right next to the door
to see me get humiliated:
They would've laughed me into the floor!
I didn't want that story to follow me around.
It would've been nice,
but I was a coward.
So I think I sort of answered
my own question.
We cry because
float around your head
in the sky;
because people
hold you back from
doing what feels right;
because people are cruel
with hearts painted with
cheap dollar store
gold paint
to fool others into the
belief that
their cheap heart is worth
more than your heart
of coal,
when really your
heart of coal
can be polished into
a beautiful stone.
Or maybe it's just because
you lost your kite.

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