Oh God .2

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//Sexual/romantic tension between same-sex individuals AKA lesbians/gays  +  cursing

I spent nine hours with my beloved,
But not in the sense of spending time with her.

I sat in the row across and one behind her;
I stared at her dark brown-red, shoulder-length hair and cute kitty hat;
I ordered the same airplane meal she did;
I stared at her every time she stood up to move out of the way for someone to go to the lavatory, everytime she needed the bathroom;
I smiled when she accidentally caught my eye;
I blushed intensely.

But for nine fucking hours,
Not once did I approach her;
Not once did I talk to her;
I had nine hours,
But I didn't give her my number;
I never learned how old she was;
I never discovered if she had a pet;
What her favorite flower is;
If she self harms;
If she likes giant beanbag chairs;
If she likes cuddling;
If she likes scary movies;
If she's a hopeless romantic;
If she's depressed;
If she likes pastels;
If she likes teddybears;
If she likes spikes and skulls;
If she likes cats or dogs better;
If she's religious;
If she has siblings;

If she loves me back after only twenty minutes of small talk.

How stupid can I be?
How could I throw away nine precious hours?
How could I have settled for admiring from affar?

I could have been kissing her;
Holding her hands;
Complimenting her beauty;
Loving her.

But you know me;
I'm a coward and I wait
until it's too late.

Now she's walking down the hallway,
towards the exit
where she'll catch a cab and rent a hotel room so she can watch that show she came here for --
She told me about that.

So now I'm watching my beloved melt into the crowd.
And she's taking my heart with her.

Does she miss me?
She didn't even glance back.

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