Bellflower x Chocolate boy //victorian smut request

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*Sexual words/actions/themes/suggestions

This is set in victorian London, because I'm really uncreative right now and that's the only idea I can come up with. Bellflower/Mouse's last name is going to be Akeldama, whilst Chocolate boy/Blue's is Maccon. Blue is a rich Earl/lord who is the CEO of a police station, while Lady Akeldama is unemployed but dreams to become an english teacher, or to at least learn more about english and folklore.

I dunno, this is all I've got. I kNOW it's not realistic, but I have really bad writers block and just -- yEAAGHP.


3rd POV

Angelique tied lady Akeldama's corset in silence, her nimble fingers threading the knots expertly. After pulling lady Akeldama's thin dress coat over her shoulders and tying the final bow at her throat, Angelique stepped back to allow her mistress to move as she pleased.
"Thank you. " Mouse said curtly, nodding at the door to signal her permission to leave.
Mouse turned to look at herself in the mirror. She grimaced, never being fond of the tight restraints, light colors and ruffles. She did not remove the suffocating binds, however. She needed to be dressed nicely for her meeting with the earl. Her job was pretty much just to sit quietly while her father talks business.
Mouse was bordering the age of marriage and her mother was keen on keeping her appearance perfect so a rich man might notice her. That is why she strolls through the park everyday, after all. Mouse would much rather stay in the library with a cup of warm tea and a stack of mythology books.
She sighed, running her hands over her restrained waist in utter distaste (hey that rhymes).
With one final huff of disagreement, she heads down the stairs towards breakfast.
Her father and mother were out in town doing god-knows-what, so it was only Mouse and her three siblings.
They sat in silence, eating what the servants served quietly. However, Mouse took the opportunity to enact her chronic clumsiness.
She promptly spilled her sparkling cider on the table cloth, then dropped her fork on the white carpet. Soon after, she spilled her next glass of cider into her lap and let out an inhuman screech. Her siblings simply sighed at the eldest child, and her only brother muttered something about 'this is why we call her the demon child'.
Mouse let out a colorful stream of curse words and stormed to her room, where she called for Angelique.
Angelique paled at the mess on her dress, squealing about how that was her special outfit and that she might have just ruined her chance at being wed to one of the top earls.
Mouse would not hear of it and told her to fetch her funeral dress -- the only dress she remotely liked.
Angelique seemed very nervous about the decision but complied, anyways.
Mouse stripped of her damp, bright yellow and lacy dress, glad to at least get a little bit of freedom.
Angelique hurried back into the room with her dress and got to work.
Soon, Mouse sat brooding in the first parlor on an ornate couch next to her father, glaring daggers at the man she was supposed to be using her "plethora of feminine wiles" on. Frankly, she despised the man, and her life. All she wished to do was to return to the library.
So as she sat there, she made sure to stare at the man before her, taking every chance to narrow her eyes and make him sweat.
Eventually, her strife paid off and the earl made a dash for the door as soon as he could mention his "forgotten appointment."
  Mouse was pleased with her handywork, but her father was quite the contrary.
  A loud sHMAACKTA rang out through the first parlor. Her father stood above her and Mouse clapped a hand over the reddening mark her father's slap made.
  She rounded her shoulders and turned away, cradling her cheek while her father ranted and raved about how she ruined his "big chance".
  She blocked it out and eventually he demanded she leave his sight. Mouse took the chance and ran towards her room, grabbing fist-fulls of her black dress.
  She crashed through the bedroom door and jumped on to her giNORMOUS bed, letting out a muffled scream.
  And there the eldest Akeldama child laid for the next twenty minutes, listening to the loud yells of her family as they gathered themselves up. Soon, the large front doors slammed shut and the clip-clop of their personal carriage faded away.
  Mouse stayed still to listen for a possible return. After no such instance appeared, she leaped from her bed and clomped down the stairs, quite similarly to the horse.
  The family had likely gone out on a shopping spree, leaving the troublesome Mouse behind. She seldom got gifts, while her siblings were practically showered with them, however, acting out got Mouse a better gift that they did not; alone time.
  Happily, Mouse grabbed a thick book on the Greek religion and plopped onto the couch where she had sat just moments ago in the first parlor.
  What? They had comfier couches.
  Mouse had only read three pages in when the front doors crashed open, causing her to jump in alarm.
  "I say... There's barely a moment of rest in this household..." She muttered, grabbing handfuls of her dress and storming towards the hall leading to the front doors.
  "What do you wa--" she began irritably, before abandoning her words to flushed silence.
  A young man with fluffy brown hair and wide, deep brown eyes stared back at her. He wore a fitting white button up shirt, blue overcoat, dress pants, and a black bow-tie with a calm expression.
  Mouse flushed slightly, embarrassed at her prior behavior.
  "Hello, sir," she nodded, folding her hands in front of her. 
  "Hello, Miss Akeldama." He reached inside his coat and took out a shiny badge, "I'm Lord Maccon. Is your father home?"
  Mouse blinked, head spinning with questions, and being overall flustered by the attractive man standing in her doorway.
  "Uh..." She looked at the wall, trying to make a sentence, "no, he is not, Lord Maccon."
  "Oh," he said shortly, taking a moment to look her over.
  He smiled, "may I come in, Miss Akeldama?"
  "Yehh-- YES, of course." She cleared her throat, moving out of the way. Lord Maccon stepped by her, looking through the various rooms along the hall.
  Mouse followed quietly, trying to tell what he was thinking.
  "So," she said suddenly, "how do you know my name?"
  He stopped and turned to look at her.
  "I've been watching this household for quite a while. Mainly your father, but... You were included," he said.
  "Oh," she nodded.
  "I believe I'm through here, but I'll be back once your father returns," Lord Maccon sighed, "he's wanted for a couple of reasons. Mainly money problems."
  Mouse frowned, "you're leaving so soon?"
  He licked lips, "I suppose I could investigate some more," he smirked.
  "I'm fine with that," she blushed, feeling his eyes roam her body even though she was staring at her hands.
  "Have you found a husband yet, Miss Akeldama?" He asked, turning back to head into a spare lounge.
  "No. I ruined a meeting today with a rich Earl. My parents were going to have us wed," Mouse said with a quiet sigh.
  "Mm, too bad," Mouse nodded and followed him into the lounge.
  He turned and set a hand on the wall beside Lady Akeldama's head, forcing her to back up against the wall near the door. He cupped her cheek and softy rubbed her lower lip with his thumb.
  Mouse blushed but didn't fight, "Isn't this against your oath or something similar?" She mumbled.
  "I can forget my oath every once in a while..." He smirked.
  He leaned towards her and Mouse closed her eyes. Lord Maccon pressed his lips to hers, but only stayed there for a moment before moving down to kiss her jaw.
  Mouse let out a quiet moan and quickly slapped a hand over her mouth.
  Lord Maccon notice and grabbed her wrists, moving them above her head.
  He went back to kissing her jaw while his other hand untied the bow at her throat. Once loose, he dropped it and pulled her collar away to kiss her neck. He lightly sucked, and Mouse responded with a whimper. He made sure to leave a mark before dropping her hands and slipping his around her waist, where his hands kept busy with untying her dress and then her corset.
  Mouse set her hands on his chest and pushed him away, though, receiving a questioning look from the officer.
  She grabbed his wrist, leading him to the couch, where she pushed him down and straddled his lap.
  She smiled, biting her lower lip. She was forbidden to have any sexual contact with other people, so an electricity was coursing through her in a way she had never felt before — and she liked it.
  Lord Maccon flipped them and kissed her, biting her lip to gain access. She parted her lips, ripping off his dress coat and bow tie to work on the buttons of his shirt.
  He, finally, got through all the layers between him and Lady Akeldama, discarding them on the floor. He kissed down her neck and down her chest, then back up to her lips.
  She moaned softly, loving the attention he was giving her. Lord Maccon ran his hands down her ivory skin, rubbing her breasts softly. He hooked his fingers under her waistband and pulled away from the kiss.
  "May I?"
  "Of course, Lord Maccon," she smiled.
  "Miss Akeledama, you really must call me Chocalate Boy."
  "Only if you call me by my name."
  "Only for you, Mouse," he smirked.

word count

PinPoint - A collection of short storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora