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*Mentions of self harm, light violence.

I never got that feeling;
Y'know, the one with the butterflies?
The one where it feels like your drowning in love and light?
Where you think you'll die because you're so in love?
So happy?

Maybe I was just doing it wrong,
Maybe I just wasn't keeping out and eye.

I was consumed by other things that snuffed out my light and joy. My fun was replaced by trivial but dangerous things;
Worries, regrets, suicidal thoughts, secrets, hopelessness, powerlessness, dumbness, questions, concerns, grades, betrayal, health issues, voices and so much more.

I guess I was just busy.
Oh well,
Who needs love anyways?

I do.


You came through;
A wreaking ball of rainbows and delight,
Pure love and light.
You smashed through my walls and brought a visitor that I had never heard of, not seen.

You caught my breath and held it captive;
I was dying without your oxygen.
When would I get a taste of you?

You tore away my worries;
I was too infatuated by your sparkling brown eyes;
Your soft, pale skin;
You dark, fluffy hair;
You laugh;
Your smile;
You smarts;
Your flaws;

I am obsessed.

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Can you find the secret story? It tells of a whole new side of this beautiful boy that the main character is so protective and obsessive about.


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