Chapter Six.

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"Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to just stop caring."


Amelia Hart.

I sat up on the bed and stretched, it's been two long boring days since I came into this room. Two days since that alpha put her hand on me and two dreadful days for me to think about everything. Why did I care if she slept around? yes we were mates but we aren't together, together, why should I care? I have cut link with zeva just so she won't suffer from the bond between me and rose. It was better this way, safer for her to not go through anymore pain from a mate. I rather take all the pain, the burning in my chest when she's with another, the hits if there's more. Just me and only me, she's been through enough. It wouldn't be far for her to endure anymore because of my shitty luck.

Emily the cook of this house often brought me food that I'd refuse to eat. I just wasn't in the mood and honestly I wanted to off myself until just yesterday that I finally stopped crying and thought about why I was making myself suffer. It was stupid and I was acting weak, something I was not. Something my mother didn't teach us, I'm supposed to be strong. Whatever this woman threw at me should be nothing compared to what I've been through.

I went to my suitcases my sister brought to me this morning before grabbing a long sleeve blue top and some ripped skinny jeans before I went into the restroom that connected to the room to shower. After my long relaxing shower, I got dressed and let my hair air dry on it's own. I looked at myself in the mirror when I was satisfied with myself, thankful that my lip was completely healed. I wouldn't want my family to go on another rampage and get kicked out because of me. I opened my door and stepped over the trays on the ground. Poor Emily, I wasted all this food she made for me. I picked up the trays and walked downstairs to head for the kitchen to wash the dishes or something for her to make up for dissing her food.

Emily looked up in surprise. The woman was in her mid-fifties I assumed because of her gray hairs that seemed visible in the light. I smiled and placed the trays on the sink counter."Hello Emily, thank you for always bringing me food and sorry for not eating it." I apologized and gave her a sheepish smile.

"Oh don't worry about it, the alpha ordered me to bring you food wether you ate it or not. She seemed worried since it's been about four days since you ate anything." She frowns while shaking her head." Are you trying to kill yourself child?" I shook my head no and leaned back against the counter. "You look pale and thinner."

"I'm very sorry for worrying you and...the alpha." I run my fingers through my wet hair. "It won't happen again."I assured her.

"Good because I heard the alpha was going to force feed you if you continued not to eat. I've never seen her that worried about anyone since her mate was hospitalized when he was here." I laughed at that, if only this woman knew why she was worried.

"Emily did you take Amelia's food up to her yet." The angelic voice said, guessing when you cut all ties with your wolf. Your scent filters or something because she didn't even notice me here.

"Alpha, miss hart decided to-"

"I don't care what she decided, I'm sick and tired of her behavior. I'm going to go up there and fucking force the food down her.-" she complained before she looked up from her files to see me standing there, listening to her with a raised brow.

"Alpha." I greet, turning to clean off the dishes before washing them.

"Leave us Emily." She ordered Emily who by the sound of shuffling was leaving us alone."mate." She retorted lowly.

"Alpha." I repeat putting the plates in the dish washer after rinsing them off with hot water. I heard a low growl from behind, making me turn to look at a very angry rose.

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