Chapter Seven.

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It's been awhile since I had time to sit down and actually write a chapter but here I am, Enjoy this new chapter.

Sorry for an mistakes or Grammar errors, English isn't my first language but I do try my best.


Amelia hart

"Amelia, just know that i hate you for this." Emilia hissed loud enough for me to hear from the couch across the hospital bed.

"You love every second of that." I let a giggle emit from my lips, the pain still there from the impact of roses hits from earlier and the burning in my chest telling me that rose was in bed with her lover without a care in the world.

I'm so glad I will be leaving soon but not without making sure hazel would be safe from them.

It was midnight the day before violets birthday party and i was stuck in this small bed with hazel sleeping soundly next to me while I'm wide awake, the joy.

My sister had a very tight gripped violet snuggling her on the couch across from us so I didn't understand why she was complaining about any of this. I'm the one with a broken arm and a broken rib here, not her.

You might ask me, how in the world we ended up in this situation and it all started this afternoon when i had the brilliant idea of going to get a good book for the night.


Four hours earlier.

I was busy trying to get my sister to go to the bookstore with me but she was being a chicken, hiding at home from her mate. If you don't catch on quickly, it turned out that my mate's little sister was her second mate. What would be the odds of both of us being mated to sisters also, the moon goddess really hated us.

"No Amelia! You saw what happened yesterday at the café." She stubbornly hissed, trying to desperately close her bedroom door but my foot would not allow it.

"It's eight Emilia, rose said they wouldn't be back til midnight. We're clear of them for four more hours." I explained to my older childish sister. "I just want a book and we hurry home."

Rose and her sister went to visit the alpha king because he wanted to discuss the rogue situation that's had packs being attacked more frequently as of lately. I refused to go since I wasn't officially her Luna yet and it would be weird if I showed up with her, to an important meeting. She reluctantly left but she made me promise that after she announced our big news, I'd go with her to her meetings from then on. That was the only way she left me here.

"But you take years picking just one." She retorted, in a matter of fact tone. Bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Not if I already know the name of the book."

"What's the name?" Emilia asks, stopping from putting her weight on the door.

"See me by Nicholas sparks." I answered with a smile, knowing that I had won her over.

"Fine but if you take more than thirty minutes, I'm leaving you there." She threatened, grabbing her coat from her rack on her way out the door.

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