Chapter Thirteen.

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Honestly, I was going to make this all in one characters point of view but I feel like when it comes to war and meetings, Rose has a better understanding then Amelia. As weird as that sounds, it just made more sense to write it like this. Amelia still gets most of the story telling but I think I'm going to throw in a few chapters in Rose's point of view.

Anyways enjoy.

Rose woods.

I sat at the head of the table while six other Alphas sat across both sides of the long dining hall table with their mates by their sides. We were finishing dinner when the creatures we thought we were dealing with was brought up.

"Are you sure that's what the witches said it was?" The alpha of the blood moon pack spoke.

"It's a pack of mixed creatures? Yes. The witches will be here soon and explain it to us in the morning." My uncle informed the alphas, some of them groaned in response and others nodded in understanding. "it's better if they explain it."

"Why are we allying ourselves with witches?" Adam asked, leaning back in his seat. A couple of alpha's nodded with Adams question.

"Because we need all the help we can get or do you think seven alphas and the king can handle a group of different creatures all on our own?" I spat, glowering at Adam. "I mean, we can handle our own kind but what about the vampires and witches? Can you tell me you could outdo them both if they attacked at the same time?"

The other alpha's pondered that thought and realized that I was right about getting on the good side of a witch, it was what was needed right now. Had they all forgotten that we used and still get along with other creatures? Or did they forget, yes we never got help from others that weren't our kind but right now that wasn't what mattered, the rogues had a creature that was unknown to us yet, something we haven't fought and that's what was terrifying my uncle.

"Enough, we aren't just dealing with witches and vampires." My uncle informed, causing all the alpha's to turn towards my uncle. "You see, a few weeks a go, something killed a few of the wolf's watching the barrier of devils woods pack and as you all know, they are one of the strongest amongst us."

A few of the Luna's gasped and leaned closer to their mates and I turned to see Amelia leaning back in her seat next to mine. She seemed almost unfazed by the news, she turned to meet my gaze but quickly looked away but I guess it was normal since she already knew the details since yesterday.

"Do they know what it is?" Someone asked and my uncle went into detail about everything.

I moved my chair closer to Amelia and draped my arm over her chair, when a growl was heard in the room. I tore my gaze from Amelia to the source of the sound. At the entrance of the dining hall stood Adam hovering over a stunned Taylor who had dropped a trey full of cakes.

"Mate." He growled and I could feel Amelia stiffen next to me, blinking a few times. She looked over to me, expecting me to jump up and react or something but in all honesty I didn't know what was going on.

Until the alpha's began to cheer and clap.

"Well this is news." My uncle chuckled and looked back to the other alpha's who were nodding in agreement before they all began to spark up conversations amongst themselves.

I didn't understand why I was feeling this, I felt a sense of loneliness and anger as I watched Adam touching on Taylor. I didn't realize that I was staring until I locked eyes with Taylor for a second and the chair next to me was being pushed back as Amelia stood. I looked up at her with confusion before she excused herself.

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