New School

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Katniss POV

As I walked onto the bus I suddenly felt very self-conscious of my old clothes. I could see one girl wearing a short, black dress (hehe Isabelle) which she'll probably swap for her school uniform when we get there. I've never been to a boarding school before but it sounded like fun. I sat down in a seat down the back resting my head against the glass window. A boy with brown hair sat down next to me and crossed his arms. I frowned at him and he returned the expression. I rolled my eyes and picked up a textbook that I had stuffed in my backpack. I brushed a strand of brown hair from my eyes and crossed my legs so I was sitting comfortably in my seat. The boy next to me then coughed and turned to me.

"I'm Gale." He murmured sticking out his hand I shook it and smiled.

"Katniss." I mumbled and the communication ended there. My smile faded as it began to rain outside and everything looked bleak and miserable. As I glared at the grey sky I knew it was going to be a long bus trip.

Clary POV

I walked with Simon towards the bus stop as he smiled at me. We sat down on a bench and I pulled out my notebook. I drew a symbol that I noticed I had been drawing quite frequently nowadays.

"What's that?" Simon asked peering at the drawing.

"I... uh... I don't know." I said and he frowned.

"Okay." Simon then pulled out a comic and smiled to himself as he read. A purple double decker bus pulled up and along the side in large text it said 'HOGWARTS EXPRESS.' Simon looked up and grabbed my arm to pull me along towards the bus.

"Wow." I said as I walked onto the bus and there were many different faces. A boy with blonde hair caught my attention, he had what seemed like more ink than skin and a smirk that made him look like he was just complimented by an Oscar nominee. I pulled my gaze from him and Simon and I sat at the front of the bus behind the bus driver. I bit my lip as we started driving to school.

Harry POV

I sat at the 9 3/4 bus stop when many other people came up. All their parents were there waving goodbye or hugging them till they burst. I suddenly felt sad and lonely. A girl my age smiled at me, she had wild brown hair and kind eyes.

"Hello I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" She held out her hand to me and I shook it.

"Harry Potter." Her eyes widened at the sound of my name.

"The Harry Potter?" She asked and I nodded wondering why she knew my name.

"Huh? What did I do?" I asked and her jaw dropped open.

"Y-you don't remember killi..." She was cut off when the bus blared it's horn telling us to get on. Hermione faintly smiled at me and hopped onto the bus. I scanned the bus for Hermione but she was already sitting next to a girl with blonde hair (hehe Rose.) I saw a boy I had also seen at the bus stop. He had red hair that mustn't have been brushed and a lot of freckles.

"Hi." I said as I sat down next to him. "I'm Harry." I left out my last name not wanting to get the same reaction Hermione got.

"Ron." He said and he smiled brightly. Then a boy behind us smiled brightly and he looked bubbly.

"Hi I'm Peeta but no need to tell me your names I overheard your conversations. (Stalker) Ron and I exchanged glances and I frowned.

"Okay..." I smiled at him and he turned around for a moment. 

"I'm sure we'll be great friends!" He said happily and Ron smiled.

 Rose POV (Hathaway)

Lissa smiled at me and I frowned as the bus pulled up. I could tell through the bond that Lissa was freaking out. Her thoughts were consumed with 'What if they saw my fangs?' 'What if they found out about the bond?' 'What if they burned me for being a vampire?' I grabbed her hand and smiled.

"It's going to be fine, I'll kick anyone's ass if they get in your way." I said and we hopped onto the bus. Lots of boy's glances turned to me and I smiled confidently. Lissa smiled and sat down next to me in the back of the bus when I saw a boy my age with dark hair. "Hi." I said and he frowned at me.

"Go away." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Dick." I whispered and Lissa glared at me.

"Rose." She said in a stern voice. I crossed my arms and glared at nothingness. 

Sherlock POV

"The bus is coming." Mycroft said and I glared. I had worked that out ages ago. We both got up and immediately I could see the most preposterous excuse for a bus.

"Great." I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. We hopped on and I sat down in an empty seat, praying to God no one would sit next to me. A short boy with blonde hair sat down next to me and smiled. "Dammit God." I muttered and the boy looked at me quizzically.

"I'm John Watson." He smiled and I looked at him and his bag.

"So, you want to be in the army." I said and his jaw dropped open.

"What...?" I looked out the window and embraced my violin case.

"And, you're sad your brother didn't get into this school." I said and through the corner of my eye I could see John frown.

"I don't have a brother." I swivelled around and gaped at him.

"You don't have a brother named Harry?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I have a SISTER named Harriet who I call Harry." I closed my mouth and retured to looking out the window.

"Oh." I said blankly and sighed. 

"H-how did you do that?" He asked and I smirked.

"It's just deduction." I said and a boy walked onto the bus. He had a red bowtie, converse, glasses and brown hair that was sticking up in the air. He sat down behind us and smiled.

"Hey, I'm the Doctor." He said and I groaned.

"Well I'd rather call you by your real name, D..." The Doctor cut me off and I pouted.

"No. Just the Doctor!" He demanded and I leaned my head against the glass.

Jace POV

I looked at the large school as I hopped off the bus. Swaggering beside Alec as he smiled. I saw a girl with red hair walk past and I frowned at her. 'Is she also a Shadowhunter?' I asked myself and I quickly shook the thought away but it still nagged at the back of my mind. The halls were filled with many people that whispered and murmured as we all walked past. I saw a group of girls my age pointing and whispering at me. I winked at them and they giggled. Alec groaned and I laughed.

"You are a womanizer." He said and my jaw dropped open.

"I'm only twelve." I argued and he laughed.

"Meh." Alec said and I frowned. We all stopped before walking into, what people called, The Great Hall. 

"Are you ready?" I asked Alec and he shrugged before we walked in.


Hope you guys enjoyed it. Next chapter will be the Sorting ceremony but there won't be a sorting hat sadly :(

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