Jealousy, the worst kind of lousy...

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Caitlin POV

Dan and I sat in the Great Hall, I was tutoring him on persuasive text.
"This is boring!" Dan exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.
"Of course it is for you! You're a dipshit!" I stated and he gaped at me.
"I swore to Dumbledore, that I'd speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." I said and Dan glared at the ground making me chuckle. For some reason no one else was in the Great Hall even though it was a weekend. "Where do you think everyone is?" I asked eventually and Dan shrugged. "Also, have you seen Rain or Cerys lately?" I asked.
"Nope." Dan picked up his pencil from the ground and I looked out the window.
"What's up bro's?" I heard a very familiar Swedish accent and I looked up to see Felix or, Pewdiepie as he was now known by. I ran up to him and gave him a hug.
"Hey." I said when I let him go.
"How's it going?" He asked and we got into a very detailed conversation about, ducks, I think. All the while, I completely forgot that Dan was there and he eventually left. I only realized when Pewds asked, "Hey where'd your boyfriend go?" I stared at him blankly and he indicated the empty chair making me gag.
"DAN ISN'T MY BOYFRIEND!" I yelled and he laughed.
"Okay, wow, didn't expect that much of a response. Let me rephrase. Where did your friend go?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"I forgot he was there." I stated and he frowned.
"No wonder he left." Pewdiepie mumbled and I grimaced.


 I sighed as I sat down in the Gryffindor common room.
"Hey Dan, why are you looking so sad?" Phil asked and I looked up at him.
"Oh, I was being tutored by Caitlin but she completely forgot I was there when Felix came." I shrugged sadly and frowned at the ground.
"Jealousy, the worst kind of lousy." Phil said with a chuckle.
"I'm not jealous of Felix! What do I have to be jealous of?!" I yelled and he laughed.
"The fact that you like Caitlin." At that exact moment, Percy ran up to us and sat down.
"I heard drama." I said and I hit my forehead.  
"Dan's a little jealous." Phil hummed and I hit him. 
"SHUT UP! I DO NOT!" I yelled so loudly that everyone looked over and Percy started laughing.

Clary POV

Tris and I sat down in the courtyard and I smiled.
"Guys! When I say don't leave me behind, I mean it!" Katniss screamed from behind us and I started laughing.
"Well I don't enjoy watching you and the Doctor making out when we're meant to be studying." I said even though I hated studying. 
"We weren't making out we were just talking!" Katniss yelled and Tris giggled.
"You were so close that it was classified as making out." Tris stated and I started laughing.
"You guys are great friends." Katniss said sarcastically and we all burst into laughter.
"Your only ones." I stated and Katniss rolled her eyes.
"I'm friends with Gale."
"Yeah cause friends name eachother after a cat drug." Tris said and Gale walked up behind Katniss.
"Hey Catnip. Clary, Tris." He barely acknowleged us and I sighed.
"Speak of the devil." 


Hey guys I've decided that the competition shall end on the 17th of May cause that's my birthday :D Also sorry about the delay, my house didn't have wifi for a couple of days.

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