Bows and Idiots

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Katniss POV

I walked towards the door to the hospital, apparently Prim was in there. Instead there was a boy my age sitting on a bed. He was reading a book and I smiled at him.

"Hi, have you seen my sister?" I asked and then Prim walked out holding some medication.

"Hi Katniss. Madam Pomfrey said I could help because I practically begged." She said happily and I laughed. 

"That's great." I said and I sat down in the chair next to the boy's bed. "So why are you in here?" I asked him and he smiled crookedly.

"I was in a fight and the other guy punched me in the temple." He said and I looked to the side of his head to see a bulging red mark.

"Wow, so you lost." I asked and he frowned. l laughed loudly and he glared at me. 

"Haha very funny." He stated and I punched him softly in the arm. He rolled his eyes and Prim was watching us like a hawk.

"Aww." She whispered faintly but I heard her.

"What?!" I asked her and she blushed.

"Uh... nothing.." She then rushed out of the room. I turned towards the boy with a frown and found him to be staring at me. 

"Do I have dirt on my face?" I asked and he laughed.

"No you're fine. I'm the Doctor." He said holding out his hand. I shook it happily and smiled.

"I'm Katniss." I said not even bothering to question his name. 

My eyes fell upon the new archery course and I almost squealed with joy. A man with long blonde hair and a tall frame towered over the class as he smiled. 

"Hello, I'm Legolas Greenleaf but you must cal me Professor Greenleaf." I stared at him opened mouthed and he smiled. "I'm the new archery teacher!" He said with a smile which made me smile. "First up Katniss Everdeen." He said and my face fell. I stood in front of the target and pulled out an arrow. I was taught from a very early age how to use a bow and now that my father had died last year I had to use my archery skills to hunt for food. I breathed in deeply as I pulled back the string. When I let go it went straight for the bulls eye. I smiled brightly and everyone stared at me opened mouthed. I walked past the Doctor and he winked at me making me blush. 

"Good shooting." He said and I bit my lip. 

"Thanks." I said bubbly and he laughed. I giggled as I walked to the back of the line and Sherlock smirked at me.

"Do you have a crush on the Doctor?" He asked and I could feel my cheeks burning. 

"N-no." I stuttered and he laughed.

"You so do!" He laughed and I grabbed his collar so our faces were inches apart.

"Don't say anything!" I said venomously and he smiled.

"I won't." He laughed innocently and I sighed with releif as I let him go. 

Sherlock POV

I smiled fakely and Katniss sighed with relief. Her grip left my collar and I dusted myself off. I uncrossed my fingers that were skillfully planted behind my back. Katniss removed her gaze from me and turned to look at one of the girls having a go at archery. I turned abruptly towards my new found friend, Simon Lewis and whispered to him.

"Katniss likes the Doctor." I said emphasizing on the word like so he knew which one I meant. Soon it spread across the line of kids until it reached the Doctor as he walked towards the bow. 

His mouth fell open and he quickly gulped it back as he aimed at the target. I looked to Katniss who was, oblivious to what was going on and smirked. The Doctor completely missed the target and I laughed obnoxiously. He glared at me as he walked past and stared at Katniss. She smiled at him and you could see heat rising in his face as he walked away. 

It was finally my turn to go when I ran towards the bow and sheath. I slung it over my shoulder and aimed after examining the wind pressure and direction. I lifted the bow to eye level and shot straight in the middle. I smiled broadly then walked away rolling my eyes at the dumb founded students. 

"Okay, that was the last student. Next week we'll be practising aim. Many of you will need to listen during that class. Could I please have Katniss and Sherlock stay behind. The rest of you can go." I smirked while Professor Greenleaf spoke. I walked towards him with Katniss trailing behind when he laughed. "You guys are naturals. I was wanting you guys to come here so that I could ask if you wanted to be in the Hunger Games competition?" He asked and I cringed.

"No definitely not." I said and he frowned. 

"Not even for Ravenclaw?" He asked and I sighed. 

"Fine..." I looked off into the distance. 

"Yes!" Katniss yelled and Professor Greenleaf chuckled.

"Now, this is in second year but we need to choose the tributes around this time so they can prepare. The sorting is a boy and a girl tribute from each house so you are the girl for Gryffindor." He said indicating Katniss. "And, you're the boy for Ravenclaw." He smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"K." Was all I said before I walked back towards the school.

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