Sadness In This Deduction

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Sherlock POV

Cerys walked off as we had just had a fight from when I 'accidentally' called her an idiot. As she stormed off Mycroft sat down next to me and smirked. 

"There goes the only person who would EVER date you." I sighed and glared at Mycroft.

"Can you just go away." I said blankly and he rolled his eyes.

"You'll be forever alone!" He hummed and I cringed. I stood up and walked out of the common room towards the lake. 

When I was done staring at the lake, entering my mind palace, I went back up to the castle and heard a ear piercing scream. I ran towards the source and found a massive amount of students and staff crowded around something. By the way people were acting someone was either severley injured or... dead. That was the moment I realized there was sadness in this deduction. I pushed through the crowd and froze. Cerys' body was lying on the cold marble, so motionless and limp. There were no traces of blood and no way to tell how she had... she had... I could feel my eyes beginning to water and I closed my eyes tightly.

"Let me through!" I heard Caitlin's very bossy voice string through the crowd. Everyone let her through as she was friends with Cerys. "No..." She whispered as she ran up to Cerys' body. "NO THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!" She screamed and I gulped back the lump forming in my throat. Caitlin was crying so badly and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to just fall to the ground and break down in tears but I would not let that happen. My best option was to just watch and feel like everything inside me had just died. 

Caitlin POV 

I was breaking down in tears and I felt someone's arms wrap me. I cried as I turned to see Dan. Everyone was staring at me, I felt like someone on display in a circus. Dan helped me up and took me away. I sat down in the courtyard and stared at my hands as tears dripped down my face. 

"She... She." I couldn't even finish my sentence. One of my best friends was dead. 

"Caitlin, it'll be okay." Dan said putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay?!(The okay's are killing me) One of best friends is dead!" I screamed and there was another massive hit at me. She's dead, I've now comprehended it. She is dead and she's never coming back. Dan hugged me again as I broke down.

Rain found me eventually sitting in one of the empty class, staring at the blackboard.

"Caitlin?" I didn't show any signs that I had heard her, and I don't know if I did in the first place. She sat down and I just kept staring, what else could I do? Everyone in the school was in a panic, Cerys had just died, everything in my life is crashing down. 

"I'm not okay."


A/N Yep, I killed off Cerys, I'm soooo sorry about all the okays it just fit to the setting really well and I mean come on.... death/okay is a pretty awesome conversation, Am I right? *Awkward silence* I'll leave you guys alone forever now... *Flees The Scene*

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