Just an A/N

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Hey guys. Thanks for reading this fanfiction, I have like a gazillion ideas for it.

First off I would like to remind you all that if you think I forgot a character or want to suggest one please leave it in the comments. Just a little reminder I may be adding some characters in, in later years. 

Secondly, with the last chapter I decided to have a little romance and I was trying to think of something when KatnissXDoctor popped into my head and I was like 'HELLS YEAH!' But just so you know she is still goin' to end up with Peeta but I might have this ship for like first to fourth year I don't know I'm not a timelord (Sadly :,() Also with this ship I was trying to think of the ship name and the first thing that came into my head was Kocktor, that of course left me ROFLing for like an hour until I realised that was now the ship name I was going to use.

Thirdly, I'm so sorry that I made Sherlock a bit of a dick but in the TV show he is a huge ASSHOLE (See how I made the letters big to show how much of an asshole he is, hehe.) So obviously he's supposed to be a dick. But still my sincere apologies. 

Fourthly, beware I will probably add swearing, because I can! 

A/N over...

PS. I also couldn't add all the cast so I just did Class A

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