Attack on Fandom

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Bella POV

Today I went to the doctor and he told me that if I don't fall in love with someone who is absolutely, disgustingly and horrifyingly older then me my emotionlessitis will kill me. My first option was to find a pedophile who wasn't creeped out by my lack of emotion, so any pedophile or look for a stunningly beautiful vampire who wants to kill me yet is in love with me. I liked the second option the most so that was what I ventured out to do. Class was starting and I sat down for biology class with professor Bane and he made me sit down next to Edward Cullen. 

"Hey Bella, I'm really thirsty and as I'm a vampire can I please drink your blood?" He asked whilst looking longingly at my neck.

"No sorry." I said blankly and I looked at my hands. 'I'm never gonna find a vampire to fall in love with me.' I thought sadly and Edward started licking his lips. 'They're probably not even real.'  

"Bella I'm in love with you, I'm a vampire and also I can read everyone's mind except for your's." He stated and I sighed. 'Never going to find a vampire.' 

Rose POV

I closed my eyes and tried to grasp Lissa's mind but she was unreachable. I groaned with frustration and flipped a table.

"Where is she?!" I screamed and at that moment Caitlin walked into the room.

"Are you okay Rose?" She asked and I fell to the ground.

"No!" I yelled and she winced in fright.

"That doesn't look like your fine." She stated and I slumped over.

"I can't find Lissa." I sighed dejectedly and got up.

"Yeah, everyone's going mi- What's that?" She pointed at the sudden light emerging from the cupboard and I walked forward to investigate. Caitlin trailed behind me as I opened the doors cautiously. Caitlin walked inside and suddenly disappeared. 

"Caitlin?" I asked as I followed her. Once I was through I was in a forest with every inch of it covered in a foot of snow. "Ah shit!" I exclaimed and fell to the ground.


As I closed my laptop Harry trudged into the room.

"I'm so tired! Quidditch practise is so hard when there are only two people training!" He exclaimed and I frowned. 

"Why only two?" I asked and Harry shrugged.

"Everyone's going missing, Katniss disappeared today." I gaped at him and he grimaced.

"Really?" I asked and he sighed.

"Yeah. Soon we won't have a student body. The school would have to close."


A/N CLIFFHANGER ALERT! I was watching DW while writing this and sadly it was 'The Pandorica Opens' and I was dying of feels eve though I already knew what was gonna happen. :/ Anyways peace out!

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