Quidditch World Cup

751 18 4

Katniss POV

We got out of the car and walked towards the giant stadium. The Doctor was hung low almost ready to collapse on the ground.

"What happened?" I asked and he stood up straighter and looked at me, revealing his black eye. I stopped abruptly and gaped at him. "You got into a fight with Sherlock again..." I sighed and began walking again. "You know you're going to get hurt eventually." I said sadly and he sighed.

"I know, it's just everything he does is so annoying!" I rolled my eyes and hurried up to Annabeth. She was staring at Percy and I smiled.

"Hi." I said and she didn't notice. I backed away slowly until I was walking on my own. I shivered and soon we ended up sitting in a center seat. Percy's mother gave us food that was all blue which freaked me out a bit cause in District 12 blue food was the 'do not eat or you will die' food, green was my favourite type of mould. I sighed and unwillingly ate the dough like substance. "What is this?" I asked eyeing the food cautiously, it was delicious and it scared me.

"Cake... Haven't you had cake before?" Percy asked and I cringed.

"Ca-a-ke." I sounded it out trying to understand this foreign word. I sighed and I put it in my mouth. "Yummy." Annabeth rolled her eyes and I bit my lip.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WELCOME TO THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP TOURNAMENT!" Applause was sounded from all around me until there was a blood curdling scream. All four of us stood up abruptly as no one else had heard the scream. We ran towards the sound, ignoring Percy's mother's protests. Amidst running I stopped and heard another scream.

"What's happening?!" I asked, panic interlacing my words.

"It's coming from all around us!" Light beamed in the sky and my mouth dropped open. I could hear an explosion coming from a forest hiding the people screaming and creating the light. 

"No! It's coming from in there!" I screamed, everything was in a panic, explosions were being heard from all around us and fire lit the sky. We all ran through the forest until we were in a clearing with a group of masked men. I gaped at them and they all stared at us. One of them chanted something, creating an explosion of fire and they disappeared. I looked around and everyone was horror-stricken.

"We need to find my mum." Percy said and we rushed back to the stadium where we saw Mrs. Jackson running around calling our names. Percy ran up to her and she hugged him.

"Never do that again." She said, crying into his shoulder. I looked up at the sky and frowned at the clouds that were moving like smoke. It was in the shape of a skull, with a snake. 

"What's that?" I asked pointing up to it and everyone craned their necks. 

"What?" Mrs. Jackson asked and everyone looked at her like she was crazy.

"Can't you see it?" Percy asked and his mother shook her head.

"This is getting weird. Look we need to get out no one else... I mean no one knows who they were and what they were up too." The Doctor said and we all rushed towards the car, dodging the frenzy of panicy people. We sat down in the car and I looked at the stars streaking the sky like a beautiful painting. I could feel myself drifting off into a slumber so I leaned my head on the Doctor's shoulder.

Caitlin POV

I sighed and opened my eyes at the sound of snoring. I threw a pillow at Rose and stood up. I chucked on some converse, a pacman t-shirt and some ripped jeans. I giggled at the thought of my Mother seeing me. Her one goal in life is for me too be a graceful, intellectual, lady. I mean I got intellectual easily but the others were too hard. Especially if your me, I describe myself as, nerdy, violent, smart and sarcastic. While I chuckled I put on my wide brimmed glasses, nerd glasses and ran down the stairs, almost tripping on my untied shoes. I ran towards the Great Hall, ready to stuff my face full of delicious food. Sometimes I hear people say the word diet and I cringe, food is too delicious too give up... Once I was in the Great Hall I skidded in and everyone looked at me. The Slytherin table burst into laughter and I walked over to them. 

"What's so funny guys?" I asked and one girl looked me up and down and laughed.

"Your fashion sense." She said twirling a bit of her dark hair on her finger.

"Yeah," I chuckled a bit. "that is funny. You know what else is funny? The fact that your such a whore that you'll be earning a pay check by dancing on a pole. At least I have goals, and grades that can get me to those goals. All you have is looks and a mean personality. Good luck with later life." I said and she gaped at me.

"What did you just say to me?" She asked and I laughed.

"Oh, you heard me you slutbag." I hissed and she stepped back a moment. 

"Do you know who I am? I am Diana Ladris, pretty much the only person you don't want to mess with at this school." She said and I laughed. The whole hall was silent and everyone's attention was on me and Diana. 

"Do you think I care Diana?" I said with a roll of my eyes. "Am I meant to give a shit?" I asked and she glared at me. "Your just an insecure person, hidden behind all that make up and sluttish attire you call clothes, you're just a scared little girl." Diana made the first move by slapping me in the face. It stung and I held my hand to my cheek. I started chuckling and she frowned at me. "You know what-" Before I could complete my sentence, I lunged at her and threw her against the wall. Everyone was crowding around us and cheering for either myself or Diana. "Fuck you!" I screamed at her and she grabbed my head and smashed it against the brick wall. Everything around me went black and I was positive that I had lost the fight.


A/N OKAY GUYS MY FRIEND Rainclaw26, who Rain's character is based on... Is writing a prequel series to Fandom High with all the backstories :D The first chapter has been posted and go find her wattpad profile!!!! This chapter will be dedicated to her so YEAH!!! Also I don't know why I had so much talk about food in this chapter... I think I was hungry... ANYWAYS *puts on invisbility cloak and walks away* NAILED IT!

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