Just the Beginning

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"Is Saeyoung alright?" I asked for the billionth time. I ws in the hospital, or more we were. I had yet to see him, as they wouldn't let either of us leave our rooms. I had also lost my phone at Mint Eye, and had yet to get a new one. So I was stuck with TV, and the RFA member's frequent visits.

Now you may be wondering with was wrong. Well not only made to enter ace wounds, and one exit would, it did so much more. It fractured the there main bones in my arm, along with breaking off some tendants in my arm. So my entire arm was covered in a cast, and I couldn't move it without pain. I was still being held at the hospital was because I was on some strong pain killers, that needed to be given by a medical professional, which barely even helped.

"I told you he's fine," Zen answered, I knew they were sick of me asking this questioned.

"Come on, we brought board games," Yoosung cheered, holding up the box of monopoly.

"Fine," I chuckled at the adorable face he was making, "But I'm the dog."

"How are you so good at this game!?" Zen raged quite. Yoosung had just gotten all of Zen's money, and I was getting down to my last million.

"Just need to buy everything," Yoosung shrugged, rolling the dice.

"At least you get to play," I complained, I had been in jail almost the entire time. "How do I have so little money for barely playing?"

"Capitalism," Jaehee answered. She had come to visit about half an hour ago, and was just watching us play.

"It's times like this I think communism would be better," I grummbled, handing over the last of my money.

"That is ironic coming from you," Jaehee chuckled. She was still scribbling away on paperwork.

"Why's that?" Yoosung questioned, being the complete cinnamon roll he is.

"I'm American," I told him in English. Slowly over time the two languages have become different yet just as understandable to me. Unlike in the beginning when they seemed to be the same to me.

"That explains why you say v differently," Zen shrugged.

"Excuse me but visiting hours are over, " a nurse came in and ushered them out, before they could even say good bye. "Ms. Noime," the nurse got my attention as she check of I was due for any meds, "You will be moved to a shared room tomorrow. It was requested by Mr. Han himself."

"May I ask who I will be sharing a room with?" I asked her, trying to get a look at my own files.

"Saeyoung Choi," she answered, "He is also admired here under Mr. Han's name, so I assume you two are at least acuanted." My face lit up. "Now it's time for you to get some rest." She made sure I was safely in my hospital bed before leaveing.

That morning I woke up fairly early. I was excited to see Saeyoung again. Okay it wasn't too earlier, but it wasn't noon, which was when I had been waking up in the hospital. I knew visiting hours started around eight, but I doubted anyone would come and visit. Instead I was sitting staring down at my cast. It was plain white, and I wanted to draw on it so badly.

"You're awake," a nurse said surprised, she probably knew about my sleeping schedule. "Can I ask a favor of you?"

"Okay?" I asked, confused about what I could do for her.

"Well Jihyun Kim," I almost didnt recognize it as V, "We want him to start walking again, but with his condition, we don't want him walking alone, and none of the nurses are available. He asked for you personally."

"So you just want me to walk with him?" I basically summed it up.

"Only if you feel up to it," the burse added, not wanting to strain me.

"I would run a mile of I could," I laughed, getting out of the bed. Unlike most hospitals I knew, this one let you be in your own clothing. So I was in a pair of fluffy pj pants and a sweater.

The nurse lead me down the hall to V's room. "Ms. Niome has agreed to help you," the nurse informed him. He got a little startled by her voice.

"Hi," I said, letting him know I was there. I was busy picking at the hemming of my sling. The nurse helped him out of bed and handed him a walker, then left us alone. "How do you want to do this?" I asked him, unsure how to help him.

"I can basically don't his on my own, just warn me if I almost run into anything," he told me simply. Honestly I have no idea why he asked me, we had never really had a conversation face to face before.I just sorta walked awkwardly beside him. "I never got the chance to thank you," he told me. "You saved my life."

"No one deserves to die before it's there time," I told him.

"Can I get your opinion on something?" he started.

"I might have an answer, " I shrugged. I was still amazed that he could easily walk, when he was blind. "The end of the hall is coming up."

"There is a surgery that couldncorect my eye sight," he informed me, "But I'm not sure if I should go through with it."

"I shouldnt have a say in this," I told him, "This is literally our first time talking face to face."

"I just wanted an opinion, and I don't want to worry the others," he informed me.

"Well if it was me I would get the surgery," I confessed, "But you could have your own reasons for not wanting to. You should just do what you feel is best. "

"Thank you for your opinion," he told me. When I got back to my room, I needed to pack all the things I had, which was basically a couple changes of clothes I got Jaehee to get for me.

"Kira," Saeyoung gasped. and came over and hugged me. I wasn't sure what emotion was going through his head, but tears were in his eyes and on his cheeks. "The others told me what happened. Why would you do that? You could have been killed."

"Saeyoung," I sighed, Happy to finally see him again, " I was able to help, so I did. I saved V's life, in exchange for not being able to use my left arm from a couple months."

"Don't ever do something like that again," he made me promise. I gave him a hug, which was limited to one arm, as an answer. "I don't want you to be on your own when your like that."

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking up into his beautiful golden eyes.

"Live with me," he explained, cause I ng us both to blush, "At least until you can use you're arm."

I am MC (Mystic Messanger fanfic) - DroppedWhere stories live. Discover now