What's Next

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Saeyoung and I were discharged the same day. Before we went to his house we went to my apartment, gathering my a descent amount of clothes and anything else I would need. Then went and got me a bee phone. Finally I forced him to go grocery shopping so we didn't just have PhD pepper and Honey Buddha Chips.

We had a lot to carry in, and we both had an injured arm, so it was going to take some time. When we got there someone was waiting for us in the door way. "Vanderwood?" I questioned, recognizing the brown hair, "I thought you left the country."

"And leave this idiot to fend for himself," he teased my boyfriend. I don't know exactly she I felt it was alright to call him that, but it was long over due. "I actually want to talk to him alone."

"I'll be inside," I told Saeyoung and went into the house. It was pretty baren. The garage lead into the kitchen. It had dark granite counters, stainless steel apiliences, dangling lights, and a glass dinner table. I set the groceries down on the island counter.

Through a larg doorway was a hall. To the right was an entry way with stairs leading up, and to the left I could see a living room with a large flat screen. On the opposite wall was two doors, one was open and I could see stairs going down. "You didn't get far," Saeyoung commented, coming up and hugging me from behind.

"I was too busy wondering if that stove has ever been turned on," I teased him.

"Let's bring in everything," he told me, ignoring my statement. He grabbed my ajdn and brought me back to the car.

"Saeyoung," I said his name, "I sorta need my hand." He just laughed awkwardly and let go of my hand. I could sense that there was something going on in his head. "You're worried about Saeran, aren't you?" I asked him. I had waited until we had brought everything in.

"I can't hide anything from you can I?" he laughed ,putting away some of the food we had gotten.

"If you want to go to him you can," I told him, blocking him from helping me any more.

"But I don't want you to be alone," he said, looking down as of he was ashamed.

"I get your concern for me, but I'm fine," I told him, "And I'll be here when you get back. Besides I have a phone again, so you can call me if you're worried."

"I'll be back tonight," he promised, giving me a peck on the lips, "You can go anywhere in the house, and please dont try to cook anything too complicated with me being here. Oh. and dont forget about taking your medicine if I'm not back in time to remind you. Oh, there are two extra bedrooms upstairs, you could have either one, but of you want we could share my room in my basement."

"Just go," I laughed, he would have gine in forever. He gave me another kiss before he left. I decided to search up stairs. I wasn't surprised to find that there really was computer parts everywhere. There were three doors on the top level. Two on the right and one on the left. I opened the two on the right first. The one closest to the stairs was a bathroom. The other one was a small bed room with a desk bed and dresser. I checked the door on the left next. It was yet a bigger bathroom, with a connected bathroom. I decided to claim the smaller bed room.

I placed all my things on the floor and fell into the bed. It smelled like laundry soap, and a hint of Saeyoung. I heard my phone buz in my pocket. A new chat room had opened. I entered it to find it was only Yoosung and I.

Yoosung ⭐- Aaaaaaahhhahahhah

Too micb stredd - Kira

Yoosung ⭐- Lol, so many typos.

I'm typing eith one hemd- Kira

Yoosung ⭐ - oh yeah

Yoosung ⭐- Help me...

Yoosung ⭐- I have school, and now Rika

not to mention yotr gsming adiction - Kira

Yoosung ⭐- I haven't slept in weeks.

You sgould focus on your studied - Kira

But tjsts just my opinion- Kira

just do whst is important to you- Kira

Yoosung ⭐ - I know I need to work on my education, so I can make a living and provide for my family.

Yoosung ⭐ - But Rika is my family, and she is going through something right now.

Zen had entered the chatroom

Yoosung ⭐- Zen Help me!

Yoosung ⭐ - I don't know what to do T_T

Zen - I've told you what I think you should do.


Zen - She needs more than just your help.

Zen - and therapists haven't helped her in the past.

Yoosung ⭐ - ...

I fell this is something you two sgould talk about in person- Kira

Zen - she's right.

Zen - I'm coming over.

Zen has left the chatroom

Yoosung⭐- But Rika's my family.

Getting her help wontake get sny lessbdo - Kira

everything will be fine Yoosung - Kira

Yoosung ⭐ - Thanks Kira.

Yoosung ⭐ - Oh, and I'm happy you and Saeyoung are out of the hospital.

thanks, its nice to ve out- Kira

Yoosung ⭐- I should probably get ready for Zen...

im always here to talk- Kira

Yoosung ⭐ - I'll keep that in mind.

Yoosung ⭐- Laterz

bye- Kira

Yoosung ⭐ has left the chatroom
Kira has left the chatroom

I set my phone down next to me. I was going to decide who to help next, after Saeran was on the road to recovery. But the perfect situation came to me. I can now help Yoosung. He probably needs someone the most right now. I was still going to be there for Saeyoung, but Yoosung needed my help too.

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