Chapter 15

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Yeah, what’s up girl?

Come here I wanna hollar at you right quick. Check it out.

Let’s just pretend,

That I’m yours and you are mine

Forget about the world

Baby be my girl

It’s going down tonight.

MC Magic - Let’s Pretend

“Dad!” I squealed running into the open arms of my dad like a 5 year old. I couldn’t help that he still felt as big and as warm as the last time I had hugged him which would have been many years ago.

“You’ve grown.” He laughed happily spinning me around a few times. I quietly rubbed my face against his shirt to conceal the fact that tears were slipping from my eyes.

“I’ve missed you.” I sighed happily, finally glad to have some peace and quiet in my twisted life. It really felt perfect, being here with my father and having Jase here as well.

“Good to see you Jason.” My dad said acknowledging Jase who was standing behind me, while still holding me in his arms, he quickly shook Jase’s hand.

“You’re looking well Mr. Yolt.” Jase said, the driver was standing overlooking our exchange with curiousity. He obviously didn't understand what was happening, but he was most likely wondering if Jase was my boyfriend.

“Please Jason, call me Matt.” My father flashed his usual toothy grin and led us inside his estate. The house staff had all gathered and were familiarizing themselves with us as we looked around. Nothing had changed since I had left, high ceilings, long twisting staircases leading up to the higher floors and the rainbow chandelier hanging proudly from the ceiling. I heard Jase whistle as he looked around. Alarge pang of deja vu hit me as I turned to smile at him.

“It’s been a while since you’ve been to my dad’s house hasn’t it?” I asked him as we were led to our rooms, dad had slipped off again as he usually did. He wasn't the type to hang around as we let outselves settle in – besides he probably had business to attend to.

“House? abbey? Or mansion maybe.” Jase said sarcastically - he wasn’t used to seeing this much of my family’s wealth. It had been years since he'd seen this and it didn't help that we were young. It's not like we really understand the money works when we're only 13. I mean I was from a very well off family - it’s just not everyone knew I was the daughter of Matthew Yolt. The richest, most sucessful business man on the South side.

The maids showed us our rooms, two twin rooms with a door on the inside that led to each other’s rooms. Just like when we were little, I smiled racing in and jumping into the fluffy softness which was the bed. It engulfed me happily and I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of joy which had taken a new residence in my heart.

“Just like old times.” Jase smiled walking around the room with his hands in his pocket, I kicked off my shoes and stared at the cloud painted ceiling. Nothing changed.

“Except we’re turning 18 in July and high school will be over before we know it.” Jase and I were both born in July, him on the 1st and me on the 31st.

“Means we could do anything really.” Jase said running and jumping onto the bed next to me making me squeal, I laughed as the bed bounced proficiently with our weight.

“Say, I was a little curious before. While I was waiting on the plane an old lady said something about ‘confession day’. Do you know what that was all about? I mean later when I went to the toliet two ladies in front of me were talking about it as well.” I asked recalling it. Jase had somehow gotten onto the flight so I would assume he would know since I had been sitting on the plane for a long time.

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