Chapter 25

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“The doctor said it I was fine.” I groaned once more, it was as if I was repeating myself over again for the seventh time…in a row. I felt like I was currently just stuck on repeat.

“Yeah, I was there. But you know…there’s a chance your wounds could reopen.” I mouthed the same words my mother replied me with what happened to be the seventh time.

“The doctor said I was fine…” I repeated once more as if it was the first time I had said the same repetitive sentence… I opened my mouth to repeat what I had just said once more but I was stunned with the silence in our mine and my mother’s repetitive conversation. She was staring at me with a strange look in her eye before she took a quick and sharp bite of her carrot, the silence in the room had become so deafening it sounded like she was crunching through solid concrete. The sound of her high stiletto peep toe Tony Bianco shoes echoed menacingly as she approached me across the breakfast bar.

“I have my phone on me at all times. If you so much as shed a single drop of blood, I will personally drive to the hospital and HUNT down the doctor who told me you were fine, tie him to a chair and cut him slowly with razor blades and exclaim…’you’re fine.’” No thought entered my mind, all that I could hear was the echoing sounds of my mother’s strange threat. I only nodded my head and she waltzed out of the room gracefully in her heels.

A week after falling on glass I was permitted (by my mother) to go back to school. So…maybe I’ll admit…for once I felt excited since I'd just been a couch or bed potato doing nothing. Sometimes I'd walk around the neighbourhood or go to the park but it was still really boring. I'd already missed so much school I kind of worried about how bad my grades were slipping.

Occasionally Vince would come over and give me homework or just hang out with me, which was probably the only thing from keeping me from going utterly insane. Literally! At one point I caught myself purposefully dressing like nerdy boy looking Kay and standing in the mirror saying the lamest things in the world. “Oh, reow. Who's that sexy thang? Oh it's just me.” When I finally realised what I was doing I threw my cap off and spoke to my reflection, “Oh what went flying? Just my dignity.” I laughed at that one, truly gold.

I didn't have to wear the bandages now, the stitches had been dissolved and now I was just left with ugly scars on my wrists and forearms but the doctor reassured me over time it would fade away and become nothing. I changed my shirt into a purple flannel shirt, denim shorts and calf high boots and picked up my heavy bag – I had become a real nerd. No joke.


It was a cloudy day and I stared into the endless fluffiness searching for the bright sun but to no avail it was just cloud today. I took a moment to just stand still before heading out into the busy world that was my life; contentedly I walked around to the Hoffman residence as Vince stepped out of his house.

“Morning.” I greeted him with a smile; he smiled back at me as he pressed the button on his keys which would open the door to his car. I got in and placed my bag on my lap as Vincent got in with a sigh. He adjusted the rear view mirror and messed up his hair for a moment before starting the car.

“Have you and Jase made up yet?” He asked me as he reversed out of his drive way, I stared out the window; feeling like it was the first day of school all over again.

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