Chapter Three

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"So what can you do?" He asks looking around for something to eat.

Clove and I look at each other. "Well," she starts, "I throw knives, and do a little bit of combat." 

"Good." is his reply. "What about you?" he asks looking at me.

"Uh, I'm good with a sword and combat. No big deal." 

He scoffs, "Anything you do is a big deal. It'll help the fact of whether you live or die." He scarfs down a red and blue pastry filled with gooey purple stuff that I have never seen. 

"Okay?" I reply, "So what do we do?" 

"Unless you two are going to make an alliance, the question is what do I do?" I rolled my eyes. 

Give us answers and not this kind of stuff. 

"Fine what do I do?" asks Clove. Her confidence scares me somewhat. I dread the feeling that she might not be with me for the Games. That there may be a time that I might have to fight or worse, kill her.

No. Don't think of that. Of course she will make an alliance with you.

Brutus clears his throat, "Well first, find food and water, a weaponif you can, then shelter. Don't make any fires. The smoke will lead other tributes to you, or you to the tributes." This guy was smart, but of course, he had to be if he survived the Hunger Games. 

"You guys better get to sleep. It'll be a while until we get to the Capitol." Brutus gets up and goes ot another car. I get up and follow an Avox that shows me my room. 

All the furniture is so bright and bold. So modern, it just makes me think of the Capitol. "Wow, yours is more fruity than mine and I'm a girl." I look to the door and see Clove standing in the doorway. 

"Yeah, it's gonna be weird in the Capitol." I say. I sit down on the bed and am soon joined by Clove.

"Cat," she says, "why did you volunteer?" I cover my eyes with my hands and lay down on the bed. 

I sigh, "I really don't know." The bed sinks a little on my left side. I look to the corner of my eye and see that Clove is laying next to me. 

"You have to know Cat, or else you wouldn't of done it." 

"I don't know Clo... I just don't." "

"What did you mean when you told Fendle that it was a reason he wouldn't understand yet?" she asks.

I sit up without thinking. "Who told you that?" I ask. 

"Fendle, he came to see after you and asked me what you meant, but I wasn't sure what it meant either," she stays laying down. "So what did you mean?" Clove asks.

Am I really going to tell her?

"I meant," I start, trying to find a way to put it into words,"that..." I couldn't finish, I had to lie. "I think I just said it so he wouldn't be heartbroken when I died and I did it for good reason." I lie.

"Well, that is if you die." Clove says smiling up at the ceiling. I lay down next to her again.

She yawns and turns inward toward me. Clove lays her head on my chest and drifts of to sleep, I'm not against the gesture so I hold her close. "Cat," she whispers, "tell me when were in the Capitol.''

"Of course Clo." I whisper in her ear. It doesn't take long but soon we're in the Capitol and I have to wake her. "Clo, wake up, we're here." I nudge her to sleep but she grunts and buries her head into my chest. "Clo, wake up." 

"Mmm." was all she responds with. I have no choice, I only have one option. 

I took her head in my hands, lean in, and kiss her. Her eyes open slowly and then widen when she realises it's me. "Cato!" she squeals sitting up. "What the-"

"Your fault you didn't wake up." I smile smugly.

Clove touches her lips and smiles. Then her expression goes back to normal. "Are we in the Capitol?" 

"Why do you think I woke you up?" I say. Clove leaps to the window and looks out in awe. 

"It's huge!" I smile and get up and join her by the window. Soon we stop at the station and we have to  face the reporters and cameras again. I turn and see that Clove has her smirk on her face, ready. The doors open and the flashing of lights starts. Brutus is close behind us as we make our way to the Remake Center. 

Clove and I are separated and immediately I'm pulled this way and that by my prep team. "Look at this strapping young man!" a man with a red afro says. "I'm Inforna." he says smiling. 

"And I'm Sephori!" a woman with blue skins says examining my hands and face.

I was bombarded by other names but there is no way I can remember them. They wax me in some of the weirdest places and then they bring me over to a shower. 

"I can shower myself thank you very much!" I yelled as I pushed Inforna out of the shower I was in. 

"Fine! Feisty one isn't he?" he says turning to the other members of the prep team. I shut the shower door and block out whatever they were saying. The head starts automatically and then there is a little compartment with all different kinds of soaps and scents.

Wood. Cinnamon. Grass. Waterfall. Apples. Oranges. Cherry Blossom. Lilacs. Orchids.

How about Apples?

I press a button and through the water was a soapy mixture that smelled of apples. It didn't take long for me to be done and come out of the shower with a fluffy white robe. The prep team grabbed and pushed me into a vacant room. They shut the door and left me in there. 

I sat down on one of the couches and could only think.

I wonder how Clove is taking all of this.

It wasn't hard to think of her struggling and snapping at them whenever they touched her. It made me smile. A woman that looked pretty normal except for designs on the corners of her eyes came into the room. She sat down on the couch opposite of me.

"I'm your stylist. My name's Dewlin." she says pushing some buttons on a clear square of glass in her hands. A plate of meat appeared in front of me on the table. "Go ahead, eat." she says gesturing to the plate. I slowly start to eat. "As you know, in the Tribute Parade, you wear a costume that shows the characteristics of your district. Now your district is masonry, so I was thinking, instead of stones and rocks, maybe the mason itself. I was thinking of dressing both of you in a sort of gladiator style clothing?"

I thouhgt about it and loved the idea. "Yeah sure." I agree. Dewlin smiles.

She presses another button and a golden bronze outfits shoots out of the wall. "I'll let you get dresses.

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