Chapter Five

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I get up and get dressed. I take my time eating breakfast and so does Clove. We've been training our whole lives. The Training Center will be nothing new. We ride the elevator down to below ground level BF1. The doors open and an Avox pins a piece of cloth with the number 2 on my back. She does the same to Clove. 

We're told not to touch anything at the stations, we can't until the other tributes are here. Clove and I wait for the other tributes to file in. Clove and I get acquainted with Marvel and Glimmer, the tributes from District One. 

"Did you see those District Twelve tributes. They were on fire! I mean, not literally." Glimmer says.

"They way the held hands disgusted me." comments Marvel.

"I know! Why do that when in the end they'll have to kill each other." adds Clove.

I look to the door and the Twelve tributes come in in matching outfits.

"O my God, they're matching again." I say trying to stifle a laugh. 

Everbody else snickers, as a woman named Atala comes to address us. "This is the Training Center. At certain places are designated areas. Some for survival, others for combat. There will be no fighting with other tributes, You'll have plenty of time for that in the arena. If you want to do practice combat, an assistant will help you." With that, Clove and I make our way to the shelves with a vast variety of weapons. She, of course, goes for the knives, I go for the sword. Clove goes over to the targets and starts throwing the knives one by one. She hits them in the center bullseye every time. 

I go over to the life-sized dummies and start combat. I take off the head of one with one swing, others I sever places where crucial ateries are located and stab them in the stomach or chest. 

Glimmer tries out a bow and arrow. She not that good from far away, but if she got up close enough, she could kill. Marvel starts with a javeline spear and hurls it from 25 - 35 feet. He's had proper training because he hits the dummy in the chest. 

We group together and start talking. "Look at the other tributes, there not even doing anything productive." I remark as we scan the competition. 

"Look at the twins!" Clove says laughing. Sure enough they're together as they go to different stations. 

"What about the guy? He looks like he could do some damage." Marvel says. It's true. He's broad shouldered and has more muscle mass then many others in districts. 

"I guess, but if we ask him to join he'll probably want her too." Glimmer adds.

I get an idea that I'm sure will work. "How 'bout we ask in the arena when he's begging for his life. Then we'll see if he's worth it." They nod in approval.

Soon we break for lunch and Clove, Glimmer, Marvel and I sit together, going over some strategies.

"How about weeding out the competion, so then we leave the stronger ones like him for last." Glimmer says pointing to Thresh, a District Eleven tribute. 

"Yeah, the other Eleven tribute won't last long either way, most of them won't unless they have proper supplies." Marvel adds.

"That's why we're going to take it all." Glimmer replies. We all smile.

Cato and Clove. The Unknown Story.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang