Chapter 5

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Jas pov:

1 week later

A week has went by and not much as happened. Me, Sam and Colby are just the same as always and last I heard I think Colby told Kelsey that he didn't want to go on a second date. We had all forgot about it tbh.

It was a normal Monday morning and everyone was totally not hyped for school.

"Where is he? He should be here by now" I said to Colby as we stood at the end of Sam's street waiting for him, this is where us 3 meet every mourning to walk to school.

"Were gonna be late if he doesn't turn up soon" Colby replied beginning to worry about time.

I heard my phone beep and pulled it out to reveal a text back from Sam.

Jas: Hey, where are you, me and Colby are at the usual spot.

Sam: Dammit im sorry, i forgot to let yous know that I had the dentist this morning. I will be in school before first class though. Just go without me and meet me at the lockers before first class.

Jas: Okay, see you then.

I explained to Colby where our friend was and we walked to school ourselves. It was a little strange walking to school without Sam, he is never off or late.


"He shouldn't be long" I reminded Colby as we stood at the lockers waiting for Sam to walk in before first class started.

"There she is!! That's the bitch keeping me and Colby apart" I heard a girl screaming, at the sound of Colbys name me and him both turned around to see Kelsey standing there with a few of her cheer squad friends.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused as she walked closer to me and Colby.

"I bet your the reason that Colby won't date me and keeps pushing me away! You bitch!" Kelsey shouted at me, now causing some attention from everyone near by.

"Kelsey, I said no because I don't like you. What are you on about" Colby spoke, confused.

"YOUR KEEPING US APART" Kelsey screamed as I seen her face go red and I seen her hand come towards my face.

Colby pov:

I seen Kelsey standing there screaming at Jas for 'keeping me and her apart'. That girl is crazy. But next thing I knew, Kelsey's hand came in contact with Jas' face as she slapped her causing Jas to fall backwards against the lockers and Kelsey continued to walk forward to her, she looked like she was going to punch Jas.

"HELL NO" I shouted as I jumped in between Jas and Kelsey as Kelsey went to punch Jas in the face.

I grabbed Kelsey's hand stopping her from laying another hand on Jas and I pushed her backwards.

"What the fuck?" I heard Sam shout as he came running in the crowd of people, grabbing Kelsey's hands behind her back to try and help stop her from touching Jas.

Kelsey was clearly determined to punch Jas because she got out of Sam's grip and just before I could grab Jas and pull her away to help her. Jas pulled out her fist and punched Kelsey in the face before she got the chance to hit Jas, knocking her to the ground.

"Damn" Sam said with a look of shock on his face. I stood and giggled because I had not a clue what to do.
There was an intense 'Oohh' sound from the group of teenagers around us.

I took Jas' hand to led her away from the group of people, Sam of course followed. We went into an empty side hall and we made sure Jas was okay. I was furious at Kelsey for touching Jas.

"Your lips bleeding" Sam noticed, saying to Jas.

"Want to go to the nurses office?" I suggested to her.

"No its fine, I will survive." Jas said, some how she still managed to giggle and find this whole situation hilarious.


Us 3 went to class and acted like nothing happened because weirdly no teachers showed up during the fight. It was a good thing that we all had the same class next.

We were sitting writing about Macbeth in English class when the headmasters walked in and asked to speak to 'Jasmine King, Samuel John Golbach and Cole Robert Brock'. All 3 of us went to his office and explained what happened.

"Okay, all 3 of you will be issued with detention tomorrow after school" He said.

"Yeah sure me because I hit the girl, but why Sam and Colby?" Jas questioned him.

"Well unfortunately in this situation, Samuel and Cole did get involved even if they didn't hurt or hit anyone" He informed us.

"It's cool Jas, just leave it" I said trying to get her to stop.

"You are actually extremely lucky to only be receiving detention" He continued to tell Jas.

"Yup, I'm aware" She responded.

Turns out us 3 only got detention for the 1 hour after school tomorrow but Kelsey got detention all week. Lmao sucks to be her.


Jas pov:

It was after school and we were sitting in my bedroom again, I text my mom at work but she didn't mind about the detention because she knew it wasn't my fault.

I had been thinking all day about why Kelsey was mad at me and how she claimed I was keeping her and Colby apart. Why would she think that? I had to ask Colby.

"Why did Kelsey think I was 'keeping you's two apart'?" I asked Colby as he put down his controller pausing the game us 3 were playing.

"I have not a clue to be honest" He told me.

"So you didn't tell her that or anything?" I asked again.

"No, why would I do that. All I told her was that I didn't want to go on a second date and I think we should leave it there" Colby told me.

"Okay. She probably just saw us about together a lot and presumed." I replied.

"Hey, why don't I get to be the one accused of dating Colby?" Sam added in pretending to be offended. We all laughed and returned to our game, agreeing that Kelsey is crazy.

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