Chapter 18

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Jas pov:

*3 months later*
Wow it's been a long time. 3 months ago after that night with Colby, he asked me out and we started dating. I know right! What a change but everyone knew it was coming, Sam and Sarah were super happy for us.
We had our finals and they are all for another year until I have to do more in college, how fun.
Also, we graduated. Yup, Sam, Colby, Sarah and I we all graduated and I got accepted into a really good art college that I've been hoping to get into so that's good. Sarah also got into Washington..her family is over there so she needs to move back, Sam is heartbroken but there isn't much anyone can do. And for Sam and Colby, I've tried to speak to them about college and what they are doing but I haven't gotten much out of them.

Currently it was 1 month into summer break and I was enjoying the time off before we started college very very soon. It was a random Tuesday evening when Colby messaged me telling me he needed to speak so he was coming over, it was a little strange considering we had been hanging out all day at the beach and he hadn't brought anything up. Little did I know that, that particular Tuesday was going to ruin me for the upcoming years.

Colbs: Hey babe, I need to talk to you about something, can I come round rn?

Jas: Yeah ofc come over, is everything okay?

Colbs: Yeah everything's fine, see you in a bit.

5 minutes later I heard the door open and Colby walk up the stairs and into my bedroom.

"Hey gorgeous, what's up?" I greeted him as he came and sat on the bed next to me.

"Not much, just there's something I need to talk to you about" He told me giving me a kiss.

"Okay?.." I replied.

"Umm..okay-" He started.

I looked down to his lap where his legs were crossed and his hands were sitting with his fingers wrapped between themselves. He fiddled with his sweaty fingers whilst I let him become less nervous and gave him time.

"About college." He started, again.

"Yup.." I added.

"Sam and I we aren't going to college" He told me.

"What do you mean? What are yous going to do?" I asked shocked.

"Well as you know..S-Sam and I moved from Vine to YouTube a bit ago and we are really picking up on that platform..we've talked and we think it's best for us and our futures if we moved to LA, because that's where everyone that does social media is and it's somewhere Sam and I have wanted to move to for a long time." Colby blurted out all of his thoughts.

"..oh" I replied, wow seriously that's all I managed to spit out.

"Jas, are you okay?" He said taking my hand in his.

"What about us, what are we going to do? How will I cope without you..I won't" I replied, I really didn't want to make this about me but I couldn't help but feel almost, left behind.

"Nothing has to change between us, we will continue to be us babe and I promise I will visit all the time and you can visit me and we can FaceTime every day." He said.

"I understand, I really want you to do what you want and to do what's best for your future. I don't want me to be the reason you don't leave." I answered staring into his deep blue eyes as I felt mine begin to water.

"Babe you don't need to be upset" He said hugging me.

"I just don't know how I will cope being thousands of miles away from you. I don't know how I will sleep at night without you making me too warm and kicking me all night. I don't know how I will make it through the day without giving you a kiss or seeing your face." I cried into his shoulder, letting out how I was feeling.

The future was never something we really talked out, none of us. We began to talk about college obviously but never did we talk about our relationship in the future or anything. I think that's because Colby and I are both very impulsive people, we like to just see where things take us and not to stress about planning things too much. Sometimes being carefree isn't always a good thing.

"It's going to be a struggle and something we will have to work through but it will all be worth it in the end when you have your college degree and my career is growing" He replied to me.

"I know" I pulled away from the hug and sniffled.

"You know, when you finish college you could always move down to LA, you could get a job there and that's where we could start the rest of our lives together" Colby suggested staring into my eyes.

"I like that I idea a lot" I nodded to him.

"Nothing's ever going to change between us Jas, please never forget that and don't let that change. We will stay as close as ever and everything will be perfect. I promise nothing will change for the worst" He said and took both of my hands in his.

"I just don't know if I could physically live without you Colby Brock. I don't know if my heart could take that kind of pain" I cried shaking my head and looking at our hands intertwined as a tear slipped out and fell onto his hand.

I'm being left behind by the only people in my life that I care about. Sam, Sarah and Colby.

-hey guys! I know this ending may seem a little unexpected but tbh I wasn't enjoying writing this like I used to so I thought ending it would be better than writing half assed chapters! On the plus side, I have started a new book! It's called, Blythe, and you can check it out if you want on my page! Also, this book has quite a lot of potential for a sequel so if you want one then let me know in the comments and I would think about doing that!

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