Chapter 9

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Colby pov:

I woke up on Sunday morning with a killer headache, I looked around noticing everyone was still asleep. That's strange, I'm always last up.

"Sam, bro" I whisper yelled trying to wake him up.

"What?" Sam said waking up rubbing his eyes, this caused Jas and Sarah to wake up.

"What time do your family come home today?" I asked him sitting up to realise I was shirtless.

"2pm, why?" He said.

"Well it's 1pm" I told him.

"Guys, I don't know what you remember from last night but I remember we came in and made quite the mess down the stairs." Sarah told us.

"Shit" Sam groaned and I felt Jas' arm wrap around my waist.


We quickly got dressed before going down the stairs to realise the mess we had left.

"What the fuck, looks like the party happened here" Sam moaned as we all started to clean up.

"What happened to the worktop?" I asked.

I looked at the worktop and where things like the toaster, kettle etc was it was spread all over the place.

"Hm, you and Jas don't remember?" Sam said as him and Sarah looked at us laughing.

"No, I dont remember anything after the uber" Jas said and I nodded my head agreeing.

"Well let's just say, that space cleared on the worktop was created from yous." Sam teased us.

"SAM, just tell us. What the hell happened" Jas said getting impatient.

"Wow, watch the headache" I said in response to her shouting.

"Don't worry guys..I didn't let it go too far before I stopped everything." Sam still teased, we gave up before realising that we weren't going to ever find out what happened.

An hour later Sam's family came home and we had the house clean, it looked like nothing happened..however we still had to cover the fact that we were hungover..



Me, Sam and Jas were standing at the lockers waiting for first bell, to go to class, as we do every day.

"Hey cutie" Kelsey said as she walked over to us and placed her hand on my chest, standing really close to me.

"Hi?" I walked further backwards trying to get her off me.

"So what are we up to guys" Kelsey said giggling annoyingly and placing her hands on my chest again.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to break up whatever is going on here. But what the fuck are you doing" Jas said sassily, i was taken by surprise and so was Kelsey.

"Oh jealous?" Kelsey said turning her attention to Jas and putting one of her hands on my arm.

"Hah, try again. What are you doing here. Your clearly not fucking welcome" Jas snapped back.

"Just hanging out with Colby, what's the problem" Kelsey said back, trying to keep her innocent voice.

"I don't know if there is something wrong with you in the fucking head but, when someone is walking backwards trying to get you to stop touching them, it typically means they don't want you to touch them. Also, when someone friend zones you multiple times and tells you to leave them alone, it's pretty embarrassing when you continue to come back desperately." Jas told her. Sam and I stood trying not to laugh at how roasted Kelsey just got.

Kelsey didn't say anything but she gave Jas a death stare as the bell went for first class so she walked away from us. Thank god.

"HAHHA you destroyed her" Sam laughed as Kelsey walked away.

"Honestly can't she take a hint." Jas laughed.

"Thank you for that" I tried to thank Jas between my laughs.


Jas' pov:

Last class off the day had just finished and I was waiting on Sam and Colby behind the school like I do everyday, to walk home with them.

"Hm, you won't be so brave alone." I heard Kelsey's voice from behind me.

"Excuse me?" I asked as I turned around to see she was standing in front of me alone.

"You think you can come and try to embarrass me in front of my boyfriend like that?" She asked walking closer to me, my back was pinned against the wall behind me.

"HES NOT YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND" I shouted to her, this girl was crazy.

"Yes he will be, and as for you, you need to keep your slutty hands off him" She tried to intimidate me, it didn't work considering fake blonde hair and pink clothes don't tend to be intimidating.

"And what are you going to do? What if I don't take my hands off him and just keep going." I asked her.

"Then you'll regret that" She warned me.

"I don't think I will. Your just jealous because Colby could never like you and you already know that he likes me" I teased her, seeing her getting more and more annoyed.

"Believe me, Colby likes me. I seen yous kissing at Maddys party."

All I did was smirk at her.

"Stay. Away. From. Him" She said taking a step closer to me as she said each word.

"I'm not scared by you." I said staring directly into her eyes.

Before I knew it I felt her hand come in contact with my face, punching me and she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I shouted as I opened my eyes to see her standing above me laughing.

"You crazy bitch" I shouted as she walked away and left me behind the school with nobody. Sam and Colby should be here by now?

I began to try and stand up but before I could get up I seen Sam and Colby walk around the corner as they seen me.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Colby asked as him and Sam rushed down next to me.

"Kelsey. It's fine, I'm fine" I told them as I could tell they were going to fuss over me.

"Your bleeding!" Sam shouted as he pointed towards my face.

I touched my lip and my nose..great she managed to make both of them bleed.

"She has a really good punch" I said standing up.

"Why did she do this?" Colby asked.

"To warn me away from you. She told me that you are her boyfriend and I'm to keep my 'slutty hands' off you." I told him.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Sam added in.

"I don't know, but what are we going to do?" Colby asked.

"I think her message was that if I keep hanging around with you then I'm just going to keep on getting this" I said pointing to my bleeding face.

I can't stop hanging about with Colby..especially not for her. I love him.

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