Chapter 13

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Colby pov:

It was Monday morning, which only meant one thing. Today was the day Kelsey stopped bullying Jas and finally left us alone, this way I could be with Jas forever. I was so excited to get rid of Kelsey.

Jas pov:

It was Monday morning, which only meant one thing. Today was the day that I stopped being bullied by Kelsey and she would finally leave us alone, I could be with Colby forever. I wasn't excited tho, I was guilt ridden and was so scared.


"Hey, we ready?" Sam asked as us 3 gathered around the lockers.

We stood at the lockers every single morning and everyone knows that so it'd be weird not to stand there and then for drugs to be found in Kelsey's locker. We were trying to act normal.

"Davey put it in her locker right?" Sam asked Colby.

"Yeah, he done it this morning." Colby replied.

I stood quiet and didn't say anything, I could feel Colbys eyes on me and I hadn't said anything all morning. I felt too bad.

"Here we go" Colby said as everyone watched official people walk into the hallway and down to the lockers.

Every fortnight on a Monday we have a locker check before first period. That's why today was a perfect day to do this. Usually the people come down and go through the lockers and everyone just carries on like normal until the bell goes and we leave for first class.

Kelsey's locker was number 18 and I hoped to be in class when the drugs were found in her locker but I don't think the bell is doing to go that soon unfortunately.

"Just act normal" Sam whispered as Colby and him stood talking and I stood on my phone.

The people continued to search the lockers and I continued to nervously scroll through my phone watching the time.

"3 minutes, come on bell" I said to myself before I turned around and realised they were opening locker 18.

I was going to have to be around for this..

"Here we gooo" Sam whispered yet again.

"Shut up" I whispered annoyed.

I don't know what came over me but I was so upset and guilty over what we were doing. But I just managed to make another thing to feel guilty about, great. I've never talked like that to Sam, ever.

We seen the people behind us holding the small bags of drugs they found in Kelsey's locker..

No one else had noticed but they were standing scanning through the lists to identify who owned locker 18.

Everyone was standing in that hall because that's where everyone is kept before first class so obviously Kelsey was here.

"Kelsey Sern?" One of the men holding the evidence asked into the group of hundreds of us teens hoping that Kelsey would stand forward.

"Yes?" She walked over chirpily..she didn't have a clue what was going on. I stood and squeezed my eyes closed.

"Your going to have to come with us please" One of the guys told her, taking her arm and leading her out of the hall, presumably to the headmasters office.

First bell went as soon as they left the hall and the locker searches had been put on hold for obvious reasons, i was still so nervous.

"You think we'll get away with this?" I looked up at Colby asking with desperate and worried eyes.

"Definitely, don't worry she won't be bothering you anymore" He replied smiling and placing his hand in the small space between my back and rucksack, rubbing my back.


Colby and I had 2 hours of History together first thing, I always looked forward to that class because Colby and I sat together so we always had fun. The teacher was off ill half the time and then when she was actually here she didn't care much about what we did..somehow we all still manage to pass every year though.

"Jas?" Colby said placing his hand on top of mine to catch my attention.

"Mmhm?" I hummed in reply.

I was taken out of the day dream that I was in, I didn't even realise I was daydreaming or that we had been in class for so long.

"Are you okay?" He asked rubbing his thumb across my palm.

"How long have we been in here?" I moved my eyes meeting his.

"45 mins" He replied.

"Shit, I didn't even realise" I said rubbing my face with the hand that wasn't holding Colbys.

"You didn't answer my question" He replied to me.

"Yeah im goo - no, I'm not, I'm worried about this situation, this fucking assignment is annoying me and there's someone I want to work up the courage to ask a fucking question that I've been trying to for 2 years" I let out, trying not to shout pouring out all of my emotions.

"Jas please stop worrying about that situation, everything is going to be fine. The assignment, your doing fine and we still have a month to finish it before the summer, you'll pass don't worry. And I can't help with the last thing you said considering I don't know what you mean" He says removing his hand from mine and placing it onto my shoulder instead.

"I don't want to be in school right now" I complained facing him.

"Lets go ill and you have a dentist appointment" Colby laughed, I knew he was being serious. I looked at him and nodded my head smiling.

I watched as Colby raised his hand and the teacher walked over to us, I put my head down working and listened to their conversation.

"I really am not feeling well, I need to leave asap miss" Colby whined holding his stomach.

"Fine, go." She groaned handing him an out of class slip.

She really doesn't care about anything at all. I waited a couple of minutes before packing up my bag, her eyes darted towards me.

"Jasmine, we still have 1 hour left, you are aware right?" She rolled her eyes at me.

"Yeah miss, but I have a dentist appointment" I said walking to the door with my backpack on.

"Okay, bye." She handed me the out of class slip.

I closed over the door and there was Colby standing at the opposite end of the hall waiting with his head down scrolling through his phone. His hair was drooped over his face and he looked cute.

"Awh, come on let's go to mine and we will see if I have any meds for this illness" I acted as I placed my hand against his forehead checking his temperature.

"Thanks doc" He laughed as we began to walk down the stairs.

We reached the school doors and walked out with our slips before realised we were forgetting someone.

"Shit, we forgot about Sam. We came leave him here alone all day" I said stopping in my tracks facing Colby.

"Lets go over there and wait, I will text him and ask him if he's okay" Colby said pointing for us to go and sit on the wall.

Seconds after getting on the wall and sending the message we got a reply from him in the groupchat.

Sammy: Dammit sorry guys I forgot to and Sarah already skipped and we are at mine..feel free to come around if you want?

Sam's reply took us by surprise as we began to laugh before Colby answered him.

Colby: Don't have too much fun, dude. It's fine Jas and I were just planning on hanging at hers. See you tomorrow at school.

Colby answered as we began to walk home to my house.

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