Chapter Two - The Tearoom

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On their way to the tearoom, they just asked a few questions so they would know each other better.

"What are you studying, Brian?"

"I'm currently studying Physics and Maths."

"Oh, great! Do you already know what you want to do later?"

"I don't really know yet. I think that becoming an astrophysicist could be great." Brian answered. "What about you?"

"I'm in the Medicine department. But I have no plans for later. My parents absolutely want me to be a surgeon or something like that, and as I had excellent grades in Physics and Biology, I got accepted here."

"So basically, you're only doing what your parents want you to do?"

"In a nutshell, yes."

"That's not good. You should study something that you really enjoy, y'know. I don't know, apparently you love reading, why don't you study Literature?"

"If I ever do so, my parents would disinherit me."

"You come from a wealthy family with standards, am I right?"

"You're right" she sighed. "But you know, I do something that they don't like."

"What is it?"

"I listen to rock'n'roll" she winked, earning a huge smile from Brian.

A few moments later, they arrived at the tearoom. Ruby examined the frontage of the old building. It looked like a very old shop, but as she looked through the showcases, she could spot modern decorations. 

She jumped when she felt Brian's hand on her waist, showing her the way through the door. They entered and the fresh smell of mint tea tickled their nostrils. Brian was greeted by the waitress who gave him a quick hug.

"Brian! It's been a while!" she almost shouted. "Coming for a comforting tea, uh?"

"Hello Dorothy. Indeed, I need a good cuppa right now. Oh, let me introduce to you Ruby, she's at the Imperial College too."

"Hello Ruby, welcome here!"

"Thank you, madam."

"Come on, you can call me Dorothy. Brian's a faithful customer, and he's a really smart boy, you know!"

"I can see it!" Ruby shyly smiled.

"Let's have a seat."

Ruby followed Brian to a lonesome table in a corner. It was a table for two, next to a window through which sunrays were shining. He took the seat against the wall after he gallantly pulled her chair before she sat on it. Once again, they were staring at each other but this time, none of them looked away. Brian's cheeks were still a bit redder than usual. He joined his hands and rested his mouth and his nose on his fingers. Eventually, he broke the silence.

"By the way, what will you have?"

"I don't really know. What kind of tea do they have here?"

"If I were you, I'd have an Oolong tea. It's a Chinese tea and it tastes really good."

"I'll listen to your advice, then."

As soon as she pronounced those words, Dorothy came to them and asked them what they'd have. Both ordered Oolong tea. She nodded with a smile and went back to the counter. Brian coughed.

"I know it will sound weird, but even if we don't know each other very well yet, I really like you" he whispered. "I hope we're going to be friends."

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