Chapter Twenty - And Tim was replaced

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~~ Author's note: I know that the story doesn't follow the real chronology of the story of the band and I changed it voluntarily ~~

Ruby slowly opened her eyes. Sunbeams were shining through the window of Brian's bedroom. She stretched out and yawned. She sat up on the bed and noticed that Brian wasn't here. She took a look at his alarm clock and saw it was 9 am. She remembered that Brian had his final exams. She stood up and opened the door; she sneaked out of the room and went down the stairs, still a bit sleepy. She could smell the scent of warm pancakes.

“Ruby? Is that you?”

She recognised Ruth's voice coming from the kitchen. She walked up to her.

“Hi, Ruby! Did you sleep well?”

“Hi, Ruth. Yes, I'm sorry I didn't sleep in my bed, I joined Brian because I had nightmares.”

“Why do you apologise? Mmh? You're not kids anymore, y'know, and in the state you're in, I won't blame you!”

She smiled and turned a pancake over.

“I prepared pancakes for you, I hope you like pancakes!”

“I do, thanks a lot.”

“By the way, did your face hurt during the night?”

“No, not much. Just my nose when I breathe, so I breathe by the mouth.”

“I'm terribly sorry, dear. Have breakfast, take a pleasant shower, and I'll drive you to the hospital for your nose.”

“Thank you again.”

Ruth kissed the top of her head and removed the pancake that was on the pan and placed it on a clean plate, on which she disposed five pancakes. She put the plate before Ruby who had sat at the table.

“Do you want some fruit juice? A cup of tea? A cup of coffee?”

“I'll have an orange juice if you have some, please.”

“Sure! I'm bringing you that.”

She got back to the kitchen and opened the fridge door. She poured orange juice into a glass that she brought to Ruby.

“Here's your glass! Do you need anything else?”

“No, thank you.”

The front door opened and Harold appeared on the doorstep. He closed it behind him and removed his coat and hat that he placed on the coatrack. He walked to the kitchen and kissed Ruth before he greeted Ruby.

“Ruby! How do you feel today? Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you, Harold. I feel quite good. How about you?”

“Oh, I'm not working today so this day will be good!”

Ruby giggled and ate a pancake.

“Oh, pancakes!” Harold smiled. “Do you have some more, love?”

“Yes, come and have a plate, darling!” Ruth replied from the kitchen.

He ran to the kitchen and Ruby heard Ruth laughing. Harold came back with a plate full of pancakes. He sat next to her.

“Ruth bakes the best pancakes in the world, I swear!” he winked.

“I must admit that I've never tasted such delicious ones!”

“Oh, how nice of you, Ruby!” Ruth thanked her.

“Where's Bri?” Harold asked.

“He's taking his final exams. Then, he's going to buy a few clothes for Ruby, I gave him some money.”

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