Chapter Four - Ah, and here comes dinner

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Brian's eyes lit up when Ruby pronounced those words. He stood up and unconsciously wrapped his arms around her. Realising what he had just done, he blushed and broke off their embrace, taking a step back.

"Shit, I'm sorry." he apologised. "And I usually don't swear a lot, today's my record."

Ruby giggled. "Hey, don't worry, it's okay. Actually, I love hugs and I don't have the chance to get many."

"Am I supposed to understand something?" Brian smirked before hugging her again. "Damn, she smells good, she smells like roses" he thought.

"Brian?" Ruby whispered, bringing him back to reality.


"I'm happy that we've met. And thanks for the tea, by the way."

"Oh, it's not much, y'know. Oh, and I thought about something. Would you like to attend our next concert?"

"Sure! I'd love that!" Ruby smiled. "When will you play?"

"Next Tuesday." he replied.

"How much is it?"

"What? No, no, you won't pay, I'll let you have a free ticket."

"Bri, it's really nice, but no. You guys should become big. You deserve it."

"You haven't listened to us yet. But thanks. You should meet my bandmates, too!" Brian exclaimed. "Or maybe it's too soon? Sorry for being excited. I feel like we've known each other for years..."

"It's okay, to be honest the feeling is mutual. Who are your bandmates?"

"Well, we don't really have a bass player, because we change all the time. Our singer studies at Ealing Art College. His name is Tim. And our drummer, Roger, well he's at the Imperial, like us. Oh, he studies Medicine like you, maybe you know him! Roger Taylor he is!"

"Oh, Rog! Yeah, he always sits next to me in our common classes. He's a nice guy. He's very optimistic about the band."

"Yeah, Rog is a fabulous drummer. We're always joking and we spend a lot of time together. I'm going to his place for the rehearsals tonight, do you want to come?"

"I'd love to, but I can't. I have to study for my Biology test tomorrow. Maybe on another evening."


Brian sounded a bit upset by the fact that Ruby couldn't come. But after all, he couldn't force her. 

He shook his head and looked at her with a wide grin.

"Please, tell me more about you!"

"What do you want to know?"

"When's your birthday?" he smiled. Ruby melted on the inside when she saw him smile.

"10th of March. When's yours? If you tell me that you, Brian May, were born in May, I think I'd never get over it."

"Haha, I wasn't. My birthday's on the 19th of July."

"I'm disappointed." she laughed. "Do you have hobbies aside from music and Physics, and Maths?"

"Well, actually, I love stargazing." he smiled. "I know it sounds weird and stupid, but I really enjoy it. Astronomy is full of secrets I'd like to discover."

"No, it isn't stupid at all, that's great actually!" Ruby exclaimed. She looked down. "I've never thought about that kind of hobbies, maybe I should try, one day."

"Well, if you want, tomorrow we can watch the stars together! I'll prepare a sort of picnic and we can go to Hyde Park, what do you think about that?"

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