Chapter Nine - She came into his world

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  "Can I help you, Bri?" Ruby asked as Brian was arranging the telescope in the middle of Hyde Park.

"No, dear, it's okay. But thanks."

Brian smiled and Ruby melted inside. Finally, Brian stood up and simply said "Done!" as he proudly looked at his telescope. He turned around and opened his bag; he took out a blanket that he dropped off on the grass. Then, he put his astronomy books on it and invited Ruby to sit down. 

"By the way, Ruby, Rog is going to bring me my guitar here, but he'll leave, don't worry. I left my guitar at his place yesterday."

"No problem, Bri. Will you play one of your songs for me once you get your guitar back?"

"Sure, I'd love that."

They smiled and for a long moment, they just stared at each other's eyes. It was only 6:15, the sun was still shining. Ruby rested on her arm, her hand close to Brian's. They both remained silent, only sharing looks and smiles from ear to ear. Brian took a deep breath and blushed even more. His hand wandered until it reached Ruby's. "I hope she won't reject me" his inner voice hoped. 

He placed his hand onto hers, gently stroking her soft skin with his thumb. Ruby looked at their hands and shyly grinned. 



"I was thinking about what I said to you... You know, when I was at the hospital."

"Oh... What's the matter?"

"You know, I said that I liked you."

"You did. And I said that I liked you too. A lot."

"Well, I really mean it. And... I just wanted to say it to you again. I like you."

"I like you too, Ruby. Even more than that." Brian said before growing pale and widening his eyes. 

His inner self wanted to punch him in the face really hard. "Oh no, I haven't said that, have I?" he thought.

Ruby tilted her head without looking away.

"Even more? What do you mean?"

Brian couldn't speak. He had spoken faster than he thought. Ruby was blushing and smiling. He slowly leaned toward her, closed his eyes and, when their lips were about to meet, they were interrupted by someone screaming.


They jumped and turned around. "Dammit, it's Rog" Brian thought, rolling his eyes. The blond boy went up to them, carrying a guitar case. He patted Brian's shoulder and kissed Ruby's forehead.

"Aww, look at that, two lovely birds together!"

"Shut up, Rog. What are you doing here that soon?" Brian replied.

"Oh, actually I was on my way to meet Tim, but you were there, you too. So... Oh, Riley, I hadn't noticed you were wearing a dress! You look very good!"

"Thank you Rog. This jacket suits you well!"

Roger grinned and turned around to face Brian. "Bri, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Ruby can hear what you want to say."

"Actually, I'd prefer not, this time."

Brian looked at Ruby, who nodded in approval. He stood up and followed Roger a few metres away, where they knew the young woman couldn't hear them talk. Brian buried his hands into his pockets. 

"What do you want?"

"Oh, don't worry, not much" Rog said while lighting a cigarette. "So, you're dating Ruby?"

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