Chapter Ten - The telephone rang

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 Ruby was standing next to her classroom door, waiting for her Biology teacher to arrive. Her mind was away with the fairies. She could not see the students passing her by, she could not hear people talking around her; her eyes refused to see something else than Brian's face, and her ears only remembered Brian's voice. "Look at that girl, she's definitely high" one girl chuckled a bit too loud.

Indeed, she seemed to be high. Her eyes were absent and her mouth was slightly open and smiling. She could still feel the taste of Brian's kisses, the sweetness of his lips and his perfume. She could not stop playing their date in her head, again and again. She was so dreamy that she hardly heard Roger coming to her.

"Hey Riley! How's it going?"

Ruby did not reply. How could she? She did not hear him!

"Oh, well. How was yesterday's date with Bri?"

"BRI?" she gasped excitedly as she heard his name. She turned around and faced Roger. "Oh, hi Rog. How's it going?"

"I already asked you that" he laughed, "but I'm fine. And you?"

"I don't know!" she replied, giggling.

"So, how was the date?"

"Uh... We... Erm. We kind of... uh..."


"Yes! We kind of kissed! Well, we kissed. We did kiss."

"Oh yeah!" he shouted happily. "So, does it mean that Bri and you are in a relationship?"

"I don't know... I think so. But it's up to him."

"Come on, you can tell me."

"Well, I guess, yeah."

"Ruby, did you smoke before you came? Or did you take drugs? Because you're being a little creepy right now!"

"Oh no, I'm just thinking about Brian."

"Wow. If thinking about him makes you like that, I don't want to know what the effects of drugs would do to you."

They both laughed and saw their Biology teacher arriving. He unlocked the door and all the students who were waiting outside came in. As usual, Ruby and Roger sat in the back of the classroom, so they could chat without being noticed. Ruby took a notebook and a pen out of her bag, and Roger only grabbed a pen, drumming on his leg. The teacher started to speak, and they both immediately lost it. 

Roger turned his blonde head to face Ruby.

"So, what have you done yesterday?"

"Oh, we had a picnic that Brian prepared, we watched the stars... That's all."

"I'm really glad that you two are together. I mean it," Roger smiled before sighing "He's lucky to have you."


"Oh, nothing, nothing, Riley."

"You said he's lucky to have you, what does that mean?"

Roger bit his lip and shook his head. "Well, y'know, he's lucky to have you because he deserves you. He's a great guy, really."

"You're hiding something away from me, Rog. I can tell."

"I'm not."

"Rog?" she insisted.

He could not resist any longer, her eyes were almost reading his mind. His hands started to shake, but he tried to hide it by drumming softly on his lap. He took a deep breath. "Well, actually, I like you."

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