Chapter Twenty-Two - Tuesday

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Brian, Ruby and Roger spent their Saturday afternoon together, wandering in the many record stores of the capital and going to the cinema to see The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. On Sunday, a friend of Harold and Ruth had dinner with them at the Mays' house; he was a photographer and just couldn't be separated from his camera. He suggested Harold, Ruth, Brian and Ruby to take a picture of them all together and they accepted. They gathered near one of the walls and smiled at the lens. Ruth was turning her back to Harold who had placed his hands on her waist, and Brian and Ruby were holding hands. Ruby was hugely smiling and was lightly resting her head on his shoulder, as he looked like laughing. Ruby looked really good on it, as her bruises had disappeared and her nose was just a bit purple; she also was wearing a choker and it hid the marks of John's hand that were still present. The day after, the photographer had brought them a big printing of the photograph, such as smaller ones, one for each of them. Harold and Ruth were so proud they bought a frame to protect it and Brian nailed it to the wall.

It was the fifth day Ruby spent at the Mays' house, and it was Tuesday. Brian slowly opened his eyes and saw Ruby, who was staring at him with a smile. She stroked his cheek with the back of her hand.

“Good morning, love.”

“Good morning, sweetheart!” he replied, kissing her tenderly. “Have you been awake for a long time?”

“Only a few minutes.”

“Oh, okay.”

“But I think we'd better get up, it's already 11.”

“WHAT? Wow, did we really sleep that long?”

“I think we did” she giggled. She kissed him and played with a lock of his curls. They both got up and hugged as soon as they were close to each other again. Hand in hand, they got out of the room and went down the stairs. They looked around them but no-one was here.

“Oh, that's right! I forgot they had to go visit a friend in Soho” Brian said. “They'll be back soon.”

“Maybe we should take this opportunity to take a bath and get dressed?”

“You're right dear. And maybe...”

He got closer to her and kissed her neck before going up to her ear.

“Maybe we could take one together.”

Ruby blushed and nodded. They climbed the stairs and Brian went to his room to pick up clean clothes and so did Ruby in her bedroom. She also took a clean towel and walked up to the bathroom. Brian arrived at the same time. They silently undressed in the bathroom after they locked the door and turned on the tap of the bathtub. They quietly waited for it to be filled, simply smiling at each other and cuddling. Once it was done, they turned off the tap and sneaked into the bath. Brian pressed his back against the edge of it, welcoming Ruby who sat between his legs, her back against his chest. He kissed her neck and smiled.

“Oh, dear, you're so gorgeous!”

“Don't talk nonsense, Bri.”

“When will you eventually admit you're someone good?”

“I don't know. Not today.”

She grinned and he rolled his eyes with a smile. They both dampened their arms, and Brian softly rubbed Ruby's back with soap. He took the opportunity to massage her shoulders. She grinned and closed her eyes, feeling Brian's delicate fingers relaxing her. Then, she carefully turned around and did the same on his back. They tenderly kissed and then washed each other.

“Ah, taking a bath is so good I'm too lazy to go out.” Brian laughed.

“Let's stay a little bit more.”

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