part 2

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Alexs pov

"Alex wake up"

I could here my mother Diane yelling at me from down the hallway of our tiny rental apartment. I groan rolling over to glare at the alarm clock next to my bed 6.30 what the fuck it's so early I had my alarm set for 7. I close my eyes trying to grasp o sleep 10 more minutes wouldn't hurt. I couldn't fall back to sleep though too many thoughts where going though my head. I stopped on one thought and my face dropped instantly the realisation that was the first day at my new school. I debated going back to school I was 18 I could leave and get a job and help pay for things but my mother begged me to stay in school saying that we wouldn't move again till I Finnish this year. My family have been moving a lot this was nothing new and by family I mean me and my mum. My mother works a lot, being an only mother to me. I loved my mother but I hardly ever get to see her she works 4 Jobs providing for me. She keeps telling me she doesn't want me to end up like her that's why she works so hard to keep me in school.
"Alex Pearl Vause don't make me come up there im running late for work as it is"
I grumbled but got up anyway.
"I'm up mum you can leave I'll take my bike"
I yell well getting out of bed heading for my closet to pick an outfit. Seconds later I heard the front door slam. I sigh softly I love my mum but she works to hard.
Okay Alex focus first day make herself seem untouchable I grab my ripped skinny jeans with a black v neck shirt that says Nirvana on it. I also slide on my leather jacket and grab my combat boots. On the way out of the room is grab my helmet that i keep sitting on my dresser. I reach for the biking gloves I keep in my helmet pulling the leather gloves out placing them on. I make my way though to small house into the one person kitchen to see my mother left me an apple. I smile brightly she's always looking out for me. I grab it and head for the door I can here the rain coming down hard on the roof. I run to the garage lifting the door open slightly to slide under it avoiding the rain from entering the garage. My precious baby is sitting there waiting for me she's a mv agusta f4cc black. God I love her she was what my father left for me apparently or so my mums says. Riding her makes me feel free like it's just me my bike and the open road like there's nothing to worry about.
I start her up life through garage door up and slowly drive ford. After shutting my house up. I took of zapping around the corners sliding a little bit in the rain. I slow down to see a girl with long blonde here shuffling though the rain. She was wearing a backpack she didn't have a raincoat or anything to keep her protected from the rain. I took a wild guess thinking she probably go's to Litchfield. I came to a spot behind the blonde and yelled at her.
"Hey! You going to Litchfield"
My voice was muffled by the sound of the rain. She turned around anyway to look at me, I was stunned but the blonde she was beautiful. The blonde was staring at me. I release she had replied, I took guess and hoped she said yes."Jump on I'm heading there now" I offered my hand to help her on the bike. For a while she just stands there looking at me, I was beginning to feel awkward. Just as I was about to pull my hand back blonde started to shiver. My eyes begging her to let me give her a ride. Like my prays where answered She graded my hand her hand fitted mine perfectly i slowly helpe her climb behind me. I started to move ford but she began to talk. "Thank you, I'm piper by the way"
Her voice was soft like summer rain
"don't mention it, oh and I'm Alex"
I smirk behind my helmet, and take of full speed, piper wrapped her arms tightly around my waste pulling herself closers to me. Electricity went though my body she fitted against me perfectly.
I got to school to soon for my liking. I parked and turned of my bike I sat there for a few seconds or minutes I didn't know. I finally decided It was raining to hard to stay here like this.
"Hey piper do you mind releasing me"
Seconds went past before she finally responded. "Oh um yes"
As soon as she released me I missed the warmth of her arms around me.
She slowly climb of my bike and standing awkwardly behind me.
She thanked me once again. I slide my helmet of my head and leaded against my bike, raising my eyebrow at piper.
"Anytime kid"
I smirked grading my keys from the bike, in the corner of my eye I see piper blush. I smirked again walking away to find the office.
The blonde still on my mined the way her arms felt around me. Stop it Alex she's probably straight anyway.

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