part 7

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Alex pov

I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door slightly Creek open I keep my eyes closed. I tried to roll over to check the clock next to me but something heavy was on my arms. I half open my eyes to see a beautiful blonde headed girl sleeping next to me. I thought I must be dreaming because this would be to good to be true. I heard piper make some grumbling noises, her body shifted a little bit moving of my arms. My eyes snap open realising this wasn't a dream she was really in my bed. So many questions started going though my head why was she here how did she get her why was she in my bed??.
All of a sudden everything from yesterday hit me like a brick. Larry cheating on piper, me punching him, piper crying. Right that's why pipes is here she didn't want to go home so I brought her here. When she got here all she wanted to do was sleep. I offered her my bed she gladly accepted it, I said I would sleep on the couch since it was a one person bed but she insisted I sleep with her. I smirk to myself, God Alex what is this girl doing to you.
I slide out of bed avoiding waking piper up. I look around trying to find my glasses. I run my hand over the bedside table fumbling around for them, it doesn't take long for me to find them. I slide my glasses on quietly making my way out of my room. When I make it out of my room Diane is sitting on couch drinking a cup of tea smiling maniacally at me.
"She's very pretty Alex but you know the rules no brining home flings" for some reason the way Diane talked about piper being just a fing made me feel very uncomfortable. I know I didn't do anything with piper but still.
"Mum she's straight I brought her here because her boyfriend cheated on her" my mother looks worried for a second but quickly returns a smile to her face "you seem to care a lot about her be careful with the straight girls Alex" my mother winked at me smiling happily. I was going to object to her when I heard piper weakly call out my name. I look back at my door slowly walking towards it unsure of what to expect when it opens. Will
she be happy to see me.

Short chapter sorry! I hope you like my story mistakes and all.

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