part 10

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Alex pov

I'm currently pacing back and forth in my living room, venting to my mum about why the hell would anyone want to cheat on someone as amazing as piper. As I was venting my mum had the biggest smile on her lips.
"What are you smiling at?"
I said a little louder then I probably should of but it didn't change my mums expression.
"I've never seen you fall this hard for a girl you just love"
I was a little taken back by her statement I know my mum thinks I like her but do I really a, am I really falling for the beautiful blonde. No Alex snap out of she just got out of a relationship and she's straight she won't go for you. I snap back into reality when I here my mums voice again.
"Alex dare she likes you, I can see it in her eyes it's the way she looks at you"
My mother's words hit me hard, she likes! me why dose she like me. My smile grow so wider at the thought of piper being mine. when I saw my mothers smile and look at me practically pushing me out the door. I graded my backpack and headed for the door.
"Thank you mum I am going to school see you later"
I yell from the door.
I slams the door, practicing running for my bike.
When I finally got my bike started, I took of down the road swerving down the street dodging cars. I slow down when I come to a red light as much as. I look around waiting for the light to turn green i cant hold my exsiment inside then something caught my eye, a shimmer of beautiful blonde hair Disappearing around the Coner, could the blonde here i saw really piper.

Pipers pov

Nicky hasn't stopped talking since I agreed to go to the river with her she keeps going of about a girl named morello. I asked her if it was the same girl that hugged her in the cafeteria that day, a smile spreed across her face as she nodded saying that was her wanting to be With her now she can't make up her mind who she wants. Nicky sighed looking down. I stay quiet letting her talk though her feelings it's very clear that she obviously loves the girl. It makes me wonder how she new she liked girls. Before I can stop myself I have to asked  "Nicky, how do you know you where gay" I surprise myself by interrupting her. She looks at me with a ginormous smirk. "Asking me that question is the first sign that your gay but other then tha you just have to like tits" she stops for a second looking at me. "If you wanna try something.." she smirked shrugging shoulders I lightly punch her shoulder laughing. What she said really did get to me though, I do like Alexs boobs... wait am I actually gay like I was with Larry and I liked Larry didn't I? Just as if Alex could read my mind I heard her bike zooming towards me, just for the second I forgot all about Nicky  i forgot all about my problems with larry all i wanted was to talk to Alex. Just like that Alex was here I was watching her get of her bike. I watching her beautiful hair slid from her helmet. I was speechless she was perfection but unfortunately Nicky wasn't "wow Chapman look at that nice peace of ass" I snap my head directly at Nicky giving her the my best attempted at stay the fuck away from her look. She must have understood me. "Damn Chapman I guess this is your non lesbian" before I got a chance to answer, I heard Alexs low raspy voice saying my name. I turned around slamming right into a wall well not a wall more like Alexs chest, I stumble backwards trying to regain my balance. "Hey pips I didn't realise I had you falling for me" Alexs placed her classes on her head and smiles sweetly at me. Without thinking I pressed my lips against hers, it was like everything in the world stop i this second in time was just for Alexs and me. Kissing Alex wasn't like kissing Larry I liked kissing Alex. Sooner then I'd like we had to part for breath. Well we stand there catching our breath. In our moment of wow I totally forgot about Nicky she's just standing there watching us. "Okay totally not lesbians I'm going to the lake are you two coming" I stare at Alex to see her reaction, I really just want to talk to her alone. "Sure I guess" Alex shruggs but Nicky smiles oblivious.
"let's get moving then" Alexs turns to me and whispers in my ear "we need to talk" her voice sends shivers down my spin. She spins around pulling me with her running for her bike. I laugh as Nicky shouts at us from the growing distances. Once we reach the bike she turns to me, I stare into her beautiful eyes becoming lost in the colour. I don't know where to go from here but I know I just want to stay in this moment. Suddenly a thought hits me.. how do I tell my family...

Yaya chapter 10 :o thank you for all your guys support please vote and comments if you want me to continue this story.

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