part 9

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Piper pov

My life seems to be set in fast ford since I met Alex Vause it's only been about a week since she offered me a ride to school. In that short time I feel like I've aged so much. So much has happened in the past week I can't keep track of my emotions. Larrys been calling me non stop since i got on the bike with Alex but after Alex told me what she saw I refuse to talk to him. As for Alex... I haven't spoken to her ether, not after I left her yesterday, she had offered me a ride home but I kindly denied it. I told her I would run home mainly because running clears my head but also I don't think I could handle being that close to Alex again.
I do realise to today is Monday and I will have to go to school witch means facing everything I've been avoiding. Polly has tried to talk to me offering me a ride to school. I ignored her along with everyone who has tried to talk to me in the past 24 hours. I was lucky my parents weren't home, my dads probably taken mum out for the weekend she obviously caught him cheating again. That's why I'm so shocked that Larry had the nerve to even consider it he knows how badly my parents affect me.
I have just finished getting ready when my my brother come though the front door. In all the madness of the passed couple of days I had forgotten about my brother.
"Cal where have you been"
He turned to me with a huge grin and held his finger to his lips making the shh noise. I raise my eyebrows to him but give a small smile cal is been up to no good he's so much different from my older brother Danny he's always been the golden child could do no harm he's off at some fancy collage bring a doctor or something.
After I tell cal I'm gonna head to school I grab my bag and head out the front door. Before I even got out of my drive away I heard the rawr of a motorcycling coming down the road in a panic I jump behind a Bush waiting for Alex, a few seconds past before the bike went flying past to my surprise it wasn't Alex. I take a moment to examine my situation,
What's wrong with me I'm sitting crouched behind a bush trying to avoid someone who I know cares about me.
This is ridiculous piper pull your self together stop acting stupid for fuck sack. I jumped out of the Bush back to the footpath, I dusted myself of we'll continuing to think. I look up seeing how beautiful the sky way how much space there was how free it looked there wasn't even a cloud. In the middle of my thinking and sky gazing I didn't see the person in front of me until it was to late i slammed right into there back, I stumble back tripping on my own feet landing hard on the ground. "I seem to be spending a lot of time on the ground lately" I whisper to myself the stranger turned around slightly laughing.
"Hey there blondie hope I didn't bruise you to badly" the girl I met before known as Nicky
The short red head offerd me a hand up witch I gladly accepted pulling myself up. The red head started laughing to her self which obviously made me a little curious was she laughing at me obviously show on my face because seconds later she started  explained herself.
"you've been spending a lot of time on the ground maybe I can join you"
She burst out laughing and winked at me, I swear my cheeks with burning bright red becuase I started to fumble my words trying to say that's not what I meant. Look on my face must have been hilarious because you took one look at me and burst out laughing again. I started to get a little uncomfortable I remain silent staring at her. Would she finally calm down she noticed I was staring at her she began to speck again.

"Okay okay I'm sorry blondie you just looked so taken back"
She Still have that Toothy grin on her face which was a little off putting but there was something about her to just made me like her.
"Well chapman where you heading this fine morning"
She said flipping her wild red hair back.
"I'm just going to school shouldn't you"
She wrinkled her nose at me.
"Nah Chapman your coming with me we're going to the river"
She lazyly slang her arm around my shoulders guiding where I walk. I was considering objecting to her, the truth is I would do anything not to get to school so let her drag me along. I hope i haven't make a big mistake.

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