part 14

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Alex pov

The day had passed by slowly without piper around. As the day draggs on I became more worried. Piper hasn't answered any of my texts I even called once or twice but nothing, Nicky has hold me not to worry she's probably just at home. Nicky words aren't comforting at all, I have a sickening feeling in my stomach which is getting much worse. By the time my last class was over I felt like in was gonna be sick, I graded my phone to call piper but decided against it instead calling my mother to tell her about the strange situation she agreed it was strange she told me the best thing to do was just to see her in person and work out out differences. Before I was finished my call my phone was ripped out of my hands and smashed on the ground. Anger rushs though me spin around on my heal to see Larry with a smirking face I can't hold my anger in. "WHAT THE FUCK" I spit like venom."you took my gf away from me" he swings a lazy fist at me I dough it easily giving him a hard left hook. "She was to good for you" I was around to hit him again when I felt someone behind me holding me, I tried to struggle. I felt his fist hit my stomach, I crumbled over trying to hold my stomach all I can feel is fists one to my head, to my back and my stomach. After a while the hitting stop laughing began, I lay there in agneay. I started to cough, blood pouring out of my mouth. I couldn't see anything my classes where smashed. "You know now I'm done with you in gonna go get my pretty blonde back" piper pipers all I can think about. I open my eyes seeing a blurry leg in front of me I grabbed it pulling it towards me herring Larry groan in pain as he hits the ground. Though my pain and anger I slowly stood up. Kicking as hard as I could at the body laying beneath me I heard a crack and a rather girly scream coming from Larry. I heard my name being called I couldn't see much my eyes where all puffy and bruised. "Fuck Vause wtf" Nicky finally. Nicky run up to me pulling my away from almost killing Larry, she draggs away far away. "Nicky please take me to piper" I here her sigh and unlock her car "okay vause but we need to clean you up first".
I sit in the passage seat of Nickys car pain is electriqting my body. I feel every turn she makes every stop sign. When we finally stopped I relaxed a little. "Okay vause we are at Chapmans" I smile though braused lips I slowly got out of the car. Nicky helped me to the door, before I even rang the bell I heard a scream. All my nerves in my body came live, I heard the scream again. I mouthed piper to Nicky she nodded her head. I bust though the door not even feeling the pain anymore, the sight I saw inside make me wanna puke right there and then. Anger rushed though me "get the fuck of her you fucking peace of shit" I sprinted towards the man standing over pipers still body tackling him. "Nicky get your ass in here now!" Seconds later i could here foot steeps running. "Holly shit vause" Nicky stood there looking almost sick. I here the man yelling at me to get the fuck of him I didn't move I got all my straight left and brought a fist down on his head, I here him ear busting scream and again Nicky pulls me of. "Vause you hurt pipers hurt you need help" her words hit me hard, piper. I wiggled out of Nicky grasp bending down to look at piper her cloths where all ripped up there was so much blood. I felt my head spinning my eyes began to water. I very gently bent down picking piper up I here her slightly groans they make me shatter. My poor piper, I softly kiss her head carrying her out of this hell.
Nicky said piper needs to go to a hospital but I know piper wouldn't want that so I said to my house. After the car fall silent my eyes started to close.

I was shaken awake my eyes feel so heavy "Alex wake up dare you need to get up now" I groans I don't want to go to school. I roll over sitting up screaming, I snap my eyes open to see my mom's sympathetic look. I look down to see I'm only I'm my bra my torso wrapped in bandages, I look at my mom in confusion my head pounding. I feel like little men on jackhammers are dancing in my head. My mom hands me my spare glasses running her hand down my face. "Love pipers not doing okay she needs you" suddenly my eyes brain I pull panic again I jump out of bed ignoring the pain in my eyes. "Where is she" my mum points to her room I run as fast as my legs can carry me, the sight inside physical sick. Piper laying there covered in cuts and bruises her eyes are black her lips are cut. I fight back tears slowly walking over to her thought out all of this she looks so peacefully sleeping I small smile creeps to my lips. "I will never let anyone touch you again I promise" I lean down and place a small kiss on her lips. I here a groan then the softest voice. "Alexs don't leave" my heart breaks for her I smiley just nod laying down behind her placing my arms around her carefully not to hurt her even more. I waited for her breathing to even out before I let myself full into a uneasy sleep.

Yesss finally it's all over or is it :o vote comment you know the normal

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