part 11

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Alex pov

I woke up the next morning my arms wrapped around an asleep girl for a second i disorientated who the hell is in my bed, just to answer my question girl thrown around around revealing her beautiful face her eyes half open staring into mine and remembered everything piper kissed me on the street, I still recall every detail of it how it felt, how soft her lips are, how her ocean blue her eyes where so deep I could drown in them. I never got to talk to 2 Piper like I wanted to. After that amazing kiss we ended up going with Nicky, She introduced us to her group of friends iv recognised most of them they  come to me at least once since I've been here asking for 'supplies' I got a couple of funny looks nothing too noticeable luckily for Me piper didn't notice. Piper stack close to me thoughout the day. When she wasn't with me just a girl with dark short hair was talking to her. The girl gave me funny feeling like I shouldn't let Piper talk to her.  eventually piper made back to me, we spent the rest of the late evening talking. Everything about her seems to interested me she was just so unique so innocent to me. As her sleepy eyes stare into mine, I lean down pressing My softly on hers. I Here her mumble a name rage  fills me, the name she whispered wasn't mine it was Larrys. I slid out of bed, I get to the door swinging it open loud enough to make sure she heard it I turn around look Piper straight in the eye and say "rule number one never fall for a straight girl" slam the door. I realised I have nowhere to go this is my home that is my bed she's sleeping in, its early morning. Even before I have a chance to figure out what I'm doing i here pipers voice call me from my bedroom door. I give a quick look over my shoulder, I wish I didn't piper stood there in my over sized PJ'S looking confused at me she was just so cute. "Alex what's wrong please talk to me" Pipers pleading for me to talk to her it just makes me angrier, she'll don't leave me eventually probably go back to larry. I can't let myself be hurt, this beautiful blonde has a hold of me she's going to kill me. I do my best and put no emotion into my face. I walk come over to paper getting very close to her. " Piper I think it's time for you to go home" The Flash of fear go's Through Her Eyes I didn't actually realise how much I would scared her I back off slightly staying strong. Tears rolled down paper cheeks but she did not object she simply walked back into my room her shoes and walked out of my house shutting the door.
Now here is stand completely alone surrounded by silence I can't comprehend the last couple of moment. I check my phone see what time it actually was 4 a.m. i hope she gets home safely. You're back into my room i grab my leather jacket  rummaging through the pockets untill i found the small box small box. I pull out a joint placing it between my lips here's to things that will kill me my happily. I light it laying back on my bed trying forget the feeling of having pipers body on mine, eventually the drugs take it's toll I'm finally at peace for now.

The time went by very fast one minute I'm eating a bag of Dorito potato chips for next I'm scrubbing my body in the shower to get the smell of weed off before school starts. I know I have to see piper today I know I will to put on my Serious Face around Her. As my mum said the best way not to get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one. Once the water turns cold on my skin I slowly make my way out of the shower I pick my cloths up placing them into a plastic bag. I throw them into my room making a mental note I have to go to the laundromat before my mums finds them. I go and grab plain black pants and black shirt from my drawers and place them on. I walk back into the bathroom applying my black eye liner brushing my long black hair down. I look once more to make sure I have left nothing to dealt this is me released this is what I want people see someone they can't mess with.

When I finally make my way to school I've already missed the first class which is good considering had Piper in it. As i make my way to my second class I bumped into Nicky i tried to give her the don't fucken talk to me look but didn't work. "Yo Vause have you seen Chapman she wasn't English well nether where are you" she Wiggles her eyebrows at me so smirking. I simply flip her off.
"No having seen her sorry" My voice is completely neutral. "oh well catch you around Vause" Nicky walks off leaving me standing in the middle of the  hallway. I begin to wonder where is Piper.

Chapter 11 Yaya as requested from @bayvause :) may be a bit short from the little time of had to write it i hope u enjoy

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