part 8

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Piper pov

I wake up rolling immediately to my side, I can feel the springs of the bed digging into my sides I snap my eyes open. This isn't my soft bed. I look around this isn't my bedroom I start searching frantically for anything that can tell me where I hell I am. Im defeated by The Darkness  I can't see a bloody thing. I manige to make out a bedside table because I can see the light from the clock sitting there. I run hand alone the bedside table bumping into a square shaped thing, I pick it up trying to looking closely at it. It's a picture frame I think. I being it close to my face trying to force my eyes to recognize the person in the picture I bring it to the light of the. Clock. Finally my eyes adjust to the minimalistic light and i start to please together the person in the picture. Black hair, slime body, glasses. "It Alex" I sigh loudly calming down I'm at Alexs house wait why am I at Alexs house. My thoughts spin my head 1000 thoughts at a time. Something pulls me out of my thoughts I heard the door slightly crack open, my eyes shot straight up to the light now entering the room.
I here a husky beautiful voice that makes me shiver.
I stutter though sleepy yawns.
"go to sleep pips it's still very easily"
I close my eyes I'm just so tired so emotionally and physically drained. I here the sound of the door lightly open once more and footsteps heading out the door. "Alexs please stay" I plead for her to stay. She  makes me feel safe in this moment a bit of safety is all I want. Seconds after my plead I feel the bed dip and the warming presents of her body next to mine. I roll over to face her, Her face was inches from me I couldn't help but smile. As I stare into Alexs green eyes I feel like I'm slipping for reality. "Why do you feel so inevitable go me"
I watch Alexs lips crawls into a smile but she keeps her eyes closed .
"Shh pips sleep now" I can here the the raw roughness in her voice she was tired to. I roll to my side placing my body closers to hers without realising it this feels so natural. I stay completely still emerged in Alexs warmth the uncomfortable bed starts to make my side hurts I have to move.  I wait for Alexs breathing to even out making sure she's sleeping. Before I could even register what I was doing I was out of her bed so the creeping towards the door. I graded the  bronze handle slowly turning it watching the sleeping making sure I don't wake her up.
Seconds later I was out I had just leave Alex alone at least in her own bed I make my way though the tiny building trying to find the door. I saw a light coming from what I suppose was the kitchen. I slowly crept into the kitchen try not to make any sound of course her fail and knock over a Pan. I start to panic bending down to pick it up only now noticing the skinny black headed woman sitting in the kitchen table. My eyes lock with hers she smiles at me she looks like a older version of Alex I gather this must be her mother. I try to play it cool but fail miserably when I hit myself with the frying pan.
"darling I think it's only polite to tell me your name since your in my house"
She smiles warmly at me I can see nothing but love and kindness in her tired eyes.
"I'm piper Chapman I am sorry Alex brought me here because I umm..."
I can feel myself on the verge of tears.
"Shh it's okay do you want me to take you home"
Alexs mum voice is very soothing but I shake my head softly the truth is I'd rather walk. I guess she could see the look in my eyes.
"It's ether I take you home or you go back to bed"
Her voice was tough but also fill of care I watched her face as she spoke it was fill of love and caring like she wouldn't hurt anyone. I simply just nodded my head in understanding I didn't want to inconvenience her so I turned and slowly made my way back to the black hair girl asleep in the small room.

I really run out of ideas for this chapter.

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