part 5

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I impatiently sat on the uncomfortable hospital chairs drowning in my own thoughts. how could this happen to her 1 minute her arms where around me the next her head head hit the concrete below. Piper the innocent girl I just met laying unconscious in a hospital bed. I put my hands on my head shaking my brain around trying to make sense of what happened. How did I let this happen to her. As i was sitting A boy runs flat out into hospital, I recognised him right away he was the boy sitting next to Piper in English. "He must be her boyfriend i new she wasn't gay" I sadly said to myself. watch him as he runs straight up to the receptionist desk panting and waving his arms around like a lunatic. I watched his facials change from worry to sadness as the receptionist gave him a sympathetic look and told him to sit down and wait at the seats I was sitting at. When he turned around he saw me instantly his face change to anger, he walks straight up to me. "You did this to her!" He started screaming at me uncontrollably. I blocked out his voice. I was more interested on what he looks like and why piper would be with him, he was short for a guy. He had short curly brown hair, he was a little bit chubby. But over all he just looked safe like the type of guy you'd get married and have kids to never doing anything adventurous. I didn't know piper but he definitely didnt seem like her type. But I could be wrong maybe I just wanted piper to like girls or just me in general considering I was nothing like him. By the time I'd finished my own thoughts the guy was still yelling at me. Honestly I didn't hear what he had to say to me so I stood up towering over him. I am lot taller than him so i landed over to him and got really close to him and whispered in his ear. "If you think this was all my felt remember piper got on my motorbike, not one put two times"
I spit In his face. His face turns sour a very uncomfortable look plasted on it. I stood up smirking at him before he could say anything in his defense a nurse came over and started speaking. She turned to the boy next to me first.
"Miss Chapman is awake would like to speak to you now Alex"
I chuckled seeing the guys face.
"My names not Alex are you sure she didn't mean Larry?"
The guy who's name is apparently Larry said. The nurse shock her head in confusion.
"I'm Alex"
I said proudly mainly just rubbing it in Larry's face. The nurse give me a kind smile and told me please follow her. I did as she asked. Just as I was about to go though the doors. I turn around looking directly at Larry who coincidentally was still staring at me. I winked at him before he disappeared from my view.
The the nurse lead me though the halls, she pointed to a room saying piper was in there before disappearing to help somebody else. I politely knocked on the white door, Seconds later I heard Pipers beautiful voice saying come in. I slowly opened the door to see piper sitting up in bed, she smiled when she saw me, she patting the space beside her, motioning me to come sit next to her.
"Do you want me to be your big soon" I joked, piper blushed making her face go bright red. God she's so cute when she blushes. "Maybe just not right now" she say me a small smile." I just wanted to tell you it wasn't your felt I fall over, I really enjoyed the riding with you" I gave piper a small nod acknowledging what she just said. We sat there for what seemed like hours just talking. I study Piper's face when she isn't looking at me. She is Simply Beautiful her eyes where so beautiful the deepest shade of blue I feel like I could get lost in them. A smile creeped the corner of my lips. I cant tell her how beautiful she was because if she realises how beautiful she really is she wouldn't fall for someone like me. Piper turns to me and gives a little smile, which melts my heart. I stayed by Piper's side for a little while longer, until a nurse came and told me I had to leave. I did as I was told. on the way out I asked the Doctor how long she had to be then here. With a bored tone he said she can leave tomorrow. I gave him an appreciated smile before turning and leaving.

Later that night

I lay in bed that night, thinking about paper. I felt bad about what had happened but I couldn't stop thinking over her words she said to me. Had she really enjoyed her ride with me. I don't know, but what I do know is she is something spectacular she wasn't like any other girl I've ever met.

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