part 17

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Piper pov

I wrap my arms around Alexs waste feeling the tough leather material against my hands. I sigh, I feel safe with Alex for the first time in a long time I feel like I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not. As we pull outside my house my nerves begin to kick in. I tighten my grip around Alex trying to control my breathing.
As soon as we arrived I regret my decision straight away I don't want to be here I don't want to ever come back here. Alex slowly comes to a stop I quickly look up the driveway i don't see a car. I exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Alex slowly gets of the bike helping me of, I can sense her nerves to just as nervous as I am. I give Alex a quick kiss trying to reassures everything will be OK but the truth is I don't even know. We walk hand in hand up the cold  polished tile stairs. I take a deep breath getting my silver key to unlock the door, I try a few times but my nerves are kicking in my  hands are shaking to much to get the key in the key hole. I feel Alexs hand cover mine helping me unlocking the door. The door slowly creeks open it the sound sends shivers down my spine. As I step inside I take a quick look around, The house is bright and clean, everything is how it was the day know left. For some people it's supposed to be reassuring but it just creeps me out even more knowing nothing has changed like I never left. I must be looking around too long because I here Alex clear her throat behind me, I snap back to what we are here for. I quickly grab her hand pulling her up wooden staircase. As we climb I see Alex looking at all the photos. "My mom made as take" Alexs nodes slowly. We had to get all dressed up to give the impression we are a nice happy family. I shake my head slightly all they care about is keeping our reputation. I  feel Alex squeezing my hand she's trying to reassure me everything is okay knoing shes hetr nakes me feel instantly safer. We enter my room I look around fast and quickly going to my drews pulling my cloths out. I keep going running around collecting my favorite things. As I'm doing this I look over at Alex she's looking at all my trophies and things I got from school she smiles slightly. God I love her.
"Piper do you want to take any of this" she asks smiling at me. I shake my head slightly she seems a little disappointed but grads a cuddle of the photos and a trophy. I laugh stuffing them into my bag fall of clothes and other things. In the end through so much stuff I struggle zipping it up. I go to lift my bag but Alex picks it up before I even get a chance, she just smiles kissing my neck. "I love you pips" I blush slightly looking around my old room. I realised I'd forgotten something I quickly run diving over my bed, I here Alex gasp then a sigh when I appear again with a purple teddy bear. I can here Alex chuckle.
Just as we are about to leave i here a car pull up fear takes over my body. I hug Alexs arm tightly. She stiffens up but continues to walk. "It will be okay piper I promise I won't let anything happen to you" she kisses my head as we walk out the front door.

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