First Target: Hirane

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-Takasaki City Highschool-


Quick Description of the Chapter: The Blue Jets find their first batch of fresh prey: at Mount Hirane. However, Riku meets a serious threat to the Blue Jets. 


"Hey Ryuki! Wait up!!" Yuma said catching up to his friend.

"How're you doing Yuma?" Ryuki asked.

"I'm feeling awesome!! Did you catch that battle on Kobushi last night man? That was freaking sweet!! Man that Evo can drift!!" 

"No, I didn't."

"Uh! What? You didn't see it? What were you doing?"

"I was doing homework."

"Are you joking? You'd rather be doing some dumb assignment than watching the best drivers in all of Kanto drift?"

"Yeah, why is drifting that cool anyway? Its just a bunch of guys driving really fast, what's so cool about that?"

Yuma face palmed and asked,"What so cool about that? It's the coolest thing in the world dammit!!"

"I don't care much for it, I'd rather be studying."

"What's with that anyway? How come you're into boring stuff like grades but not interested at all in the cool stuff like drifting??"

"Grades actually are worth my time. Drifting is just boring."

"And homework isn't? Jeez, I will never understand you Ryuki..."

"Where are you going?" Yuma asked.

"Physics, we've got a lecture don't we?" Ryuki said walking away.

Yuma looked at his watch and started running.

"Hey Yuma, why are you running?"

"We've got Physics on the other side of campus!! Kobashia is hand our asses to us!! We're gonna be five minutes late!!"

Yuma started running faster than his friend.


Mr. Kobashia finished writing the equation on the board.

"Now who can tell me the answer to this equation??" Kobashia asked surveying the class.

The whole class was trying to solve it, a couple of girls gave up and started chatting quietly. Yuma was flipping through his car magazine, while Ryuki stared at the board. 

"Anyone?" Kobashia asked.

Ryuki raised his hand.

"Yes Mr. Sato?"

Ryuki stood up and solved it.

"Um...that's correct."

Ryuki handed Kobashia his chalk and sat back down.

'Damn!! That equation was one of the hardest I'd ever seen. No sixteen year old could figure that out! Took me half a day to solve it in college, how did he do that?' Kobashia thought to himself.

Kobashia took off his glasses and said,"Assignments on the board, due friday. Any other homework you want to do in this class is fine."

He sat down and called Ryuki over to his desk.

"Sir?" Ryuki asked.

"That equation was a college level problem. I have the ability to move you to a higher level class if you'd like."

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