Looking Towards the Future...

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Above is a picture of Lake Akina, where The Blue Jets and Project D look to the future.


(Days/move plays)

David was panting wiping sweat from his brow, he looked at his hands that worked so hard drifting that night in disbelief, screaming in an unbelieving tone,"I won? I WON??? I did it!! Hahahaha!!! Wohhoooo!!!"

He cheered in his car, he couldn't believe he did it.

He felt like he could touch the stars. He did it, he beat the Phantom himself.

David ran out of his car, running towards the 86 with steam leaving his hood.

"Oh no..." David said.

"I'm sorry." David said sadly to Takumi,"I wanted to win, but not this."

Takumi raised an eyebrow,"I wasn't going to race with it anyway, remember?"

"Oh that? I wasn't going to make you do that, that was just to raise the stakes, you can still race professionally."

"Thank you. But that defeat, I don't know if I can race again after that."

David put his hand on Takumi's shoulder and said,"You have a whole life ahead of you kid. You're 19, and you are the best driver I've raced. Don't give up."

"But I've never lost before..."

"So? Just because you lost doesn't mean you can't win again! I beat you here right? But you've gotten better, and you're going to get even better! You're the phantom of Akina! Your 86 was undefeated until you went up against me."


"Loosing makes you better, not worse. Look at me, I improved so much after you beat me, that I came back seven times harder. You can do the same, just don't give up Takumi!" David said.

"You're right." Takumi said.

Takumi actually smiled, looking up Line 59,"Those were the fastest hairpins I've ever seen. I'll never forget this battle, it was something out of a fairy tale."

"I agree."

"I'm going deliver tofu for my father and improve my drifting technique on Akina until I raise a son someday. And then my legacy will continue, and the story of my 86 will live on through my son."

David nodded,"I can respect that."

Takumi kept smiling,"There is this girl. Mika Uehara, maybe she might love me back."

"You love her?"


"Good for you. I think I might have the same feelings for my girlfriend."

They looked up the course they just raced on, sighed and said together,"What a battle..."


Matsumoto, the prodigal mechanic opened the hood to the 86.

Everyone, Project D and the Blue Jets waited for Matsumoto's verdict.

He frowned, shaking his head, saying,"I'm sorry, she's dead."

Itsuki cried as Iketani sighed in disbelief.

Everybody took off their hats in respect.

David took off his Mitsubishi hat in respect for Takumi's loss.

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