Relentless (Takumi vs. David)

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The Final Battle is here, and Takumi shows how powerful the 86 can be on the Toge...---

(Crazy Little love plays...)

They roared down the tunnel Takumi gripping the steering and pushing his 86, thinking,'If I beat Ryosuke, if I beat Inui Shinji, if I beat you and every opponent I've faced, then I can beat you!'

The first hairpin came, a sharp left.

The two legends roared out of the tunnel heading for the corner.

Takumi changed gears his 86 flying around the corner, showing how much he improved.

'So fast...' David thought seeing Takumi drift quickly into the corner.

David accelerated his Evo, diving into the corner, leaving a black tire trail on the corner from the speed.

'He's improved since our battle on Kobushi that's for sure...' Takumi though seeing the Evo catch up to him in his side view mirror.

Another sharp left, the 86 shaking David off his tail instantly, drifting so quickly the red in Takumi's taillights stalled.

'I can't believe it, he's not hesitating when entering a corner at all!!' David thought.

'I have to catch up, if this keeps up he'll leave me gone after each curve!!' David thought.

The AFTS system clicked, the Evo 5 becoming a green flash as David powered through the corner, trying to catch up.

'After all these matches we've both had, he's still beating me in drifts!!' David thought.

Takumi changed gears shifting classically, the 86 becoming almost invisible to David from the speed. He drifted quickly into the sharp right, his wheels screaming.

'Whoa...' David thought.

David felt frustrated,'Only one way to catch up to that...' 

The Evo went into reverse gear, David looking in his rearview mirror to execute the drift.

"NOW!!" David yelled pressing the gas, his stronger rear tires doing their job as he accelerated through the drift.

Takumi gasped.

The Evo flew out of the corner the Evo almost touching the 86's bumper.

David turned the car around roaring after Takumi on the straight, catching up after the 86's super fast hairpin.

They kept flying down Line 59, Takumi changing gears and twin drifting with David as he thought,'These hairpins in Izu are tighter and more unforgiving than anywhere in Kanto. This is awesome!!!'

Takumi began to smile having fun, the 86 flew around a tight U-Bend quickly, making David loose ground.

'If he's not hesitating when entering a corner, than neither can I!' David thought letting the throttle fly, diving around the U-Curve after Takumi.

'How is he going so fast? He doesn't know this course, he's putting his life on the line!!' David thought desperately.

Takumi came inches from jumping the guardrail but he just tapped it lightly to regain grip in his front tires and continued through is drift.

David dived through the left arc, braking heavily to clip grip before changing gears and chasing after the 86.

Takumi sighed, his smile faltering,'All drivers are fast on the straights, some drivers are fast on the corners, but only the best drivers are fast everywhere, like David and I. Which is why he's the toughest opponent I've ever had...'

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